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There he was, stuck in that awful place. Again.Eddie Kaspbrak stood alone in the middle of the sewers, dark greywater dripped into his perfectly combed blonde hair and made him cringe. SPLASH! A noise comes from behind the young boy and he turned around to see what it was, only to hear a faint drip... drip...drip...Eddie assumed the noise was coming from the drops of greywater above him and looked up. The boy saw red, quite literally! Blood coated the whole ceiling of the sewer and it was dripping into the boys hair, staining it a light pink color. It was then that Eddie let out a blood curdling scream and started to run, he didn't know where he was going but he hoped it was towards an exit. BAM! He ran straight into something and fell down into the disgusting water below him. It was only when Eddie lifted his hand to stand up that he realized it wasn't water at all. His hand and frankly, the majority of the rest of him was now covered in blood as well as his hair. He couldn't scream anymore, for he was paralyzed with fear, and when he looked up his fear only intensified.For there, deep down in the bloodied sewers was Pennywise the clown. Pennywise with his brightly colored hair and outfit. Pennywise with his ridiculously sharp teeth. But, most importantly, Pennywise, the child eating demon that him and the rest of the losers club had killed. Or had they? "Hiya, girly-boy!" The clown announced through the sewers in his bubbly, yet terrifying tone. Then, in the blink of an eye the clown was gone and Eddie was in his own house, in bed. "It was only a dream." He thought,still uneasy. He grabbed his inhaler off of his nightstand and took a deep breath. These nightmares had been happening ever since he fought that wicked clown with his best friends, The Losers Club. There was Beverly Marsh, a brave redhead and the only girl in the group. Ben Hanscom, he was quite the chubby one but he sure was smart, went to the library for fun. Bill Denbrough, the leader of the group who wasn't quite complete without his stutter and his way too big bike that he called silver. Mike Hanlon,He was the only person of color in their group and he grew up on a farm, he was also exceedingly interested in Derrys history. Stanley Uris, The Jewish one who absolutely loved birds, he had a whole book for them and you could catch him bird watching in his spare time, usually alongside Mike, but sometimes alone. Eddie,of course, a hypochondriac and asthmatic who was watched over his mother 25/8,or at least that's what it seemed. And finally, Richie Tozier, the red-headed trashmouth who said what was on his mind. Eddie was friends with all of them,but his best friend was Richie. Along side of Richies red hair, he had glasses,which sported more than a couple pieces of adhesive tape and a personality to match his fire-colored hair. The boy truly had no filter. Most people found this annoying, hell, so did the losers club itself. They had even made up something special to say to him when he was being too much. "Beep-Beep Richie!"they would say "That's what your mom said la-" "Beep-Beep Richie!" Eddie partially found it annoying but part of him liked it. He liked how he said what was on his mind, he liked how Richie wasn't afraid of what other people thought of him. Eddie really liked Richies hair, he always thought that red hair was beautiful, although, he wouldn't want it. He thought he suited blonde better.He wanted to run his fingers through Richies hair, it always looked so soft. But,his mind was wandering, he shouldn't be thinking these types of things about another boy. After all, Eddie wasn't a queer! He didn't like Richie because he couldn't like Richie, he liked girls! Beverly had red hair, he could run his fingers through her hair. So Eddie tried to imagine it, but the hair always ended up being connected to the one and only Richie Toziers head. He didn't sleep the rest of the night. The dream mixed with his thoughts kept him up all through the night, staring at the shadows on his wall.

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