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Few Years later

"Jungkookie, wake up your sisters please"

"Ok momma"

Jungkook was now 10, he would call you mom or momma. You kinda missed him calling you mommy, but he's growing, and so are the twins.

Yomi and nami are turning five in a few weeks, and you're are planning to make them a birthday party.

"There they are! My little princesses"

Yomi runs up to you while nami holds jungkook's hand.

Jungkook takes the twins to play in the living room. As you finish cooking some choco pancakes you receive a call from your lovely husband Namjoon.


"Hello Joonie"

"How's my beautiful wifey doing?"

You giggle, "I'm good baby. What about you?"

"I have good news and extra good news. Which one first?"

"Um...the food news?" You say

"Well, I only have two more hours of work, so I can come home to my family"

"Baby that's great"

"And extra good news....mom and dad want to see us...so I was thinking, how about we have the twins party at my parents house?"

You were about to answer but some one hugged your leg. You look down to see nami.

"Is that daddy?"

You nod

"I wanna talk to daddy"

You passed her the phone and then carry her in your arms.


"Hey princess, how are you?"

"I miss you daddy"

"It's ok love, daddy will come home in a few hours ok?"

"Ok daddy"

"Ok, be good to mommy and Oppa"

"Yes daddy"

Nami gives you the phone and runs away to her twin. You smile and continue to talk to Joonie.

"Anyways, don't you have to do work babe?"

"...shoot you're right. Ok I'll call you late, ok babe?"

"Sure, love you"

"Love you too"


I thought it would be cute to see more of the young twins and young kookie before moving in to grown up kookie and grown twins

Mr.Kim.   S3   ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now