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And there he stood. Tall and handsome. Even for a sixteen year old who had millions of fans, I still had a crush. A bad one at that. Every time he would smile at me, the butterflies would go insane. I turned to Millie as Finn walked up to us.
"Yeah, yeah your right. She shouldn't have posted that about you. She didn't even know the whole story."I said pretending to have been listening to her the whole time. Finn stepped up next to me.
"Whatcha talkin about?"he asked looking curiously into my eyes. I smiled and tried to play it cool.
"Um well, this Crazy fan girl had posted that Mill's had threatened her. We were just talking about how Sadie didn't hear the whole story."I answered looking at Finn who was suddenly interested in the conversation. I scrunched my brows in confusion.
"But we know you don't like being included in drama so we'll keep your name out of it."I said remembering that Finn has always avoided being apart of gossip. And if he was somehow involved, he would easily slip out of it. He looked at me confused. He looked at Millie and then back to me.
"What?"he asked with a small laugh. I looked at him confused with a small smile on my face.
"What do you mean what?"I asked turning to face Millie. She gave me a smirk and mouthed,
'You know what'. I smiled and looked back at Finn.
"If your somehow involved then I'm gonna help you work it out. So, are you in some way...involved?"he asked in a somewhat funny matter. I smiled and looked down.
"I think you already know the answer to that."I said matter-of-factly.
"Right, because miss L/n can't stay out of trouble."he laughed.
"Is that a problem?"I asked defendingly but, smiling.
"No."he laughed.
"But, I mean, it really is normal for you."he said smirking. I smiled.
"But, I understand your ways,"he said surprising me. My eyes widened and I gave him a blank stare.
"Oh really?"I asked smirking. His next words came to me as a suprise.
"I mean yeah. If you were in some sort of trouble, I would always help you."he said plainly. I looked at him wide eyed. As if he realized what he had just said, his eyes widened and his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. I smirked and looked Millie. She mouthed,
'Tea sis'. I smiled and turned back to Finn.
"Is that right spaghetti man?"I asked walking up closer to him. Millie's eyes widened. Finn looked up and noticed I was closer. His eyes widened even more. I smiled and put my arm around his shoulder.
"Sing something for me."I said smiling. He turned his head towards me.
"W-what?" He asked nervously.
"Sing mister 'I don't use auto tune'."I mocked. He paused.
"I can't believe how mean you are."he laughed before singing the chorus of Greyhound.
"Wish you were here." I sang along.
"But now your gone..." he faded out, looking me in the eyes. Before I knew it, we were kissing. I immediately deepened he kiss by putting my arms around his neck and pulling him closer. I could feel his mouth form into a smile as he wrapped his arms around my waist. His smile made me smile. Behind us I could hear Millie squealing. I released and started laughing. I looked back at Finn and realized how close were. I stared into his eyes and realized how quiet it was. I looked around and noticed everyone in the room was staring at us. It was quiet for thirty seconds then everyone was cheering and clapping. I buried my head in Finn's neck as my face started to heat up. Finn laughed and whispered in my ear,

Finn Wolfhard imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now