You know that feeling you get when you trip in your dream. Or when you're at the edge of your seat during a very intense scene during an action movie. Yeah? Well that's how it always begins. When you're born you don't know what anything is, you cry because you can't breathe or because you were just afraid. Well that's how I was born. We didn't live in a big city, we lived no where near civilization but we still traveled a long way for food and water. Since it was to long, my mother didn't make it in time to the hospital. So on January 1, 1998 my mother gave birth in the middle of the road to a little girl named Sapphire. That should be me. After me, i had one more little sister, but during the operation, she kicked an organ causing my mom to lose air and pass out. She was later announced dead. That was the last time I saw her. After that, my father did his best to keep us protected and well fed. Three years passing, my father got married to a very wealthy woman in the city, meaning we had to move from our home back in the woods to a clearing. As you can guess, she was a bitch. She whined for everything and when we were on her nerve, she would make a move saying that we had hit her or some other crap she talks about. But because of my father's job we were left with her a lot. My father was a Water Savior, meaning he had to take trips to the mountains. Which would take days, even weeks. So with that being said, we would be thrown into the basement for the time period, only being let out for food, water, and doing maintenance. Once my father had left for a year round, never have we ever been left for longer than three months. But when we heard, an idea popped into my head. At the strike of midnight, on New Years Eve, on my birthday, me and Alises would run away seeming that no one would notice.