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NATHAN’S P.O.V      (you may have noticed I changed the name of Nathan's girlfriend, this is because I can't find the user who was previously his girlfriend at this stage, the new girlfriend is Kizza)

You may have heard of me, I’m Nathan Sykes, a 19 year old, in a boy band. I can sing, I can act, but I find it hard to find love. At the minute I’m with Kizza. She is lovely, very, very pretty. She has piercing crystal eyes, a flawless face, that perfect body every girl dreams of. We have shared so many happy moments together.

“Nath, you in?” the door slammed shut and her voice bellowed traveling up the stairs.

“Yeah, babe, up here” I shouted back. I hugged her tightly, she’d been out all day and I missed her.

“Right Nathan, I’m treating you to a night out, that fancy, posh restaurant round the corner” she smiled, looking delighted, her oceanic blue eyes locked with mine. “Oh and I reserved that for seven so hurry up babe and get ready”. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” I jokily laughed, I still hadn’t got dressed yet. She also chuckled along with me and left a soft gentle kiss on my cheek.

10 minutes later

Kayleigh’s p.o.v

I needed to get ready, I took a quick shower, rinsing my hair with shampoo and wearing my lavish soaps Nathan bought me for our year anniversary. I closed my eyes to avoid the shampoo reaching to my eyes, just thinking of how Nathan was going to take the news I was to tell him tonight. I climbed out of the shower; grabbing a towel in the process as I wiped my eyes clean. I entered the bedroom searching for something just perfect, there was this dress Nathan also bought me, it was an elegant and mind blowing dress he had picked up in America. I swung the dress over my head and tugged it till it fitted right. I pulled my shoe box out and looked for my most impressive heels, I chose the ones I bought last week, they were 6 and a half inch black chic heels. I climbed to make up box choosing and scattering make up to my face, but not too much, Nathan told me I looked better with less make up, he always makes me feel positive about myself. Next, I dried my hair, the hot heat blowing rapidly to my face. I also grabbed my rings that.. well, Tom got me, before we broke up a few years back before I met Nath. Tom’s changed now though, he’s with my good friend Jayne, he treats her like an angel. I’m glad they’re together, Tom was not really my type, and he’s much more suited to Jayne.

I heard Nathan yelling up the stairs, “One second babe, down now” I shrieked back. I carefully climbed out of the room, barely being able to walk in these shoes but they were so impressive and I wanted to impress Nathan. I walked down the stairs, Nathan’s jaw dropping so a shape of an ‘ o ‘, I blushed and Nathan took my hand. 


Kizza's POV

After minutes of walking down roads, I could already feel the butterflies stabbing me in the stomach. I felt guilty. I felt bad. A thousand questions running through my head. What would Nathan say? Would he forgive me?

It was a cold winters night and I could feel Nathan warm hand gripping to mine, he kept telling me how much he missed me. Would he still tell me this later?

Nathan's POV

We arrived to the restaurant, I could smell the food, I was hungry and couldn't wait to spend a luxurious night with Kizza. I'm certain that she is the one. We have a trust and a bond that others don't have. I feel special to have her.

We were standing by the door waiting to be allocated where to sit, the door was wide open and I could feel the cold draft. Seconds later a smiley waiter greeted us and sent us to the a table for two at the back of the restaurant. We were in a spaced area, not much people were here. Just a window to stare out.

"So erm babe, what you ordering?" Kizza questioned me

"I haven't even read the menu yet" I laughed

"erm yeah aha ok" Kizza replied, sounding slightly nervous.

Kizza's POV

Still deciding what to order I looked at Nathan, remembering those times we had, hoping we would still have that after he took the news. I started to feel anxious. Nathan's phone rang.

"Urgh, you kept your phone on?!" I stared at him waiting for an answer, feeling annoyed.

"One second babe, I NEED to take this call. I promise I'll make it up to you tonight" Nathan gave a little wink and a smirk. I think I knew what he meant.

"Ok, babe." I replied, also questioning if there would be a 'tonight'.

I grabbed out my mobile whilst waiting for Nathan to come back, i texted Sarah, whom is Max's girlfriend. We've known each other since Year 7, I would always go to her for advice, she knew about the incident and what yet I was to reveal to Nathan. I texted her asking what to do, she texted back "just tell him the truth, he adores you, what could go wrong x". I didn't trust her, he would kick of, like he did when I cancelled our engagement a year when we had our 'problems'. I finally thought things were getting better.

There, I saw the man of my dreams, arriving back to our table for two, he apologised, claiming it was to do with 'Scooter'. 

"So erm, Nathan, you know how I love you ever so dearly"

"Yeah, babe, I know, I love you to the deepest of my heart" he replied cockily 

"Well I've got something to tell you" I could feel my knees knocking with worry. Tears forming in my eyes.

"You're not pregnant are you? I haven't got you pregnant?" Nathan replied intrigued to know more and snapping for an answer.

"No no no" I coughed under my breath. "It's worse"

Nathan began to panic.

CHAPTER 3- (short chapter)

Kizza's POV

Trembling on my words, "well Nathan you know when you were back visiting your family?"

"Yes" he grounded looking frustrated.

"Well, I went out, drank to much ermm" I began to say, trying to think and form how I would put this.

...."I drank way too much" I

"What did you say? You better not be trying to tell me you fucking slept with someone again?" Nathan yelled. I felt scared, he rarely ever raised his voice.

"I said I drank way too much, Nathan I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sleep with them, i was heavily drunk, it was my best friends birthday" I then repeated.

"You think it being your best friends birthday makes it OKAY?" His voice screamed.

"No baby, please" I began to beg, tears forming.

"Who is the guy? I will fuck him up." Nathan shouted, he shouted loud the whole restauraunt's customers mouth muted and turned to face us.

I began to panic,  and I ran out the restaurant and I couldn't keep thinking how much I had hurt Nathan.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2012 ⏰

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