Chapter: 1 "Figure."

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"So aspen." my mother asked me as I took off my backpack and placed it on the left side of me as I sat in my seat in front of the dinner table. "Have you been out lately?" "Yes, why do you ask?" "well, i'm just curious, because I thought that you were at Jackolin's house last week. You know, that boy you are normally with." "yeah, I never really knew him." She leaned in looking interested. "Really? You never actually knew him?" "it's like he's hiding something strange. It's interesting and I wanna know what it is.." I rubbed my chin but it didn't help me find an answer. "Hey aspen I think the bus is already here." "Oh! Bye, i'll see you once I get back." "have a nice day! And don't forget, don't talk to strangers!" "Ok!" I went off and climbed into the bus. "Everybody take you're seats! And don't expect me to get all nice about this bullshit!" The doors closed from the school bus and the bus driver began driving the bus towards school. "Hey aspen, did you hear about these new crazy conspiracies that's been flying around? People are going ass crazy about them." "their just myths, at least i'm really not that stupid to be believing stuff like this." "sure.. like that one time when you actually believed that ghosts were real." "Hey, I was five! And plus I had plenty of bravery!" "yeah, you almost pissed you're pants." "Is that suppose to be an insult?!" "anyways, I didn't see you arrive at my house. You normally do, is something wrong?" "well not really, it's just been so long since i've been outside, I like the outdoors." "oh so you explore?" "not really I just like being outside I'm really not that kind of energetic person so I never think of hiking or anything like that, I just like admiring it up close." "that's a nice little trait to have. I'm a pretty boring person when you actually hang around me. Sure you can call me a nerd because I read a lot but hey, it's fine to be someone else and not worry about what society thinks." "you're mother seems like a strict person. She might be trying to change you, right?" I replied to jackolin in a deep unhappy toned voice while I turned my head the other way to hide my emotions. "Your right, she is trying to change me. But it's for my own good." I saw a figure just standing their as the bus still drove by it. He had one glass eye and a black feathered coat. "Who is that?" jackolin said seeing the figure just like me. "I really don't know." "Ok we're at the school! Hey, timothy! Stop barfing on my bus!" The bus driver told the other kids as we got off the bus. Veatin, my friend, ran to me with his arms extended. "Aspen!" "Woah! Oof!" I fell on the floor in an awkward position. "O-oh! I'm sorry!" veatin blushed. "It's ok haha. Oh! Fiam hi!" "Yeah what ever." fiam exclaimed in an ignorant tone. "Hey, do you guys know where delta and mason are?" I said to them but they all shaked their heads like they didn't really know anything. "I'll go look for them." I said to my friends. I walked into the school and searched for the right classrooms. I found the new girl Elisabeth sitting in a corner drawing and a weird 8th grader trying to find a date. Then After a while, I found the classroom number 256. "This must be the classroom they're at usually." I talked to my self. "Hey delta i've looked everywhere for you. "Hey, can you help me by holding this coffee?" "uh.." with confusion I took the cup. His eyes focused the computer screen and his fingers were tapping the keyboard. "What are you doing delta?" "look, see where we are?" "woah.." "grr.. Get away from me! I can smell you're breath!" "anyways, is that really our school?" "In the year 1986. Did you see a dark figure with a glass eye and a feather coat?" "Is that suppose to mean anything?" "well at that time we didn't have any security cameras around this school, no money means poor, and poor means that you can't buy things. That means that what you saw, might mean that this world will fall in chaos one day. Why I mentioned security cameras, is because I want to help find clues to this. I wanna be a detective one day, and I think that if I find the truth behind this then I might be famous. Who knows." "BEEP" "BEEP" "BEEP" "Hello?"
(Continued on chapter 2 because I don't wanna make this chapter to long)

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