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Today I saw an older couple, he took her hand and she smiled at him widely. You could almost feel the love and the caring they shared in the air, so my mind started thinking of you.
I felt like there was a solid rock laying on my chest, making it hard to breathe. I blinked, to get rid of the tears rising in my eyes. I began to question myself for caring so much and wondered if you ever thought of me the way I do about you.
You're always there, every second, every heartbeat. And i keep on thinking that maybe you destroyed my life the day I met you.
Before, everything seemed alright, that I could deal with all of it. Somehow. But then I met you and you showed me, how much someone could mean to me. I know it sounds crazy to say this, even though I only know you for such a short time. But you set something free inside of me. Something I never felt before.
I never knew the feeling of butterflies in your stomach. I never met someone I wanted to get to know so badly. I never felt so safe and cared about than I did with you.
I really never was the emotional type of girl, but as soon as I got to know you, all of it came crushing down on me.
So can you understand why I'm struggling so hard at this moment?
Because now all I'm thinking about is getting a message from you. To know you feel the same about me, that you care. And to know that I'm not just some random ordinary girl you met, when all you could think about was being with her.
Please  me that you realized that I'm the one you want to spend your time with. To hold hands and smile with. Just like the couple I met today.

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