Chapter one: forbidden past

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Chapter 1: Forbidden Past

5 years ago (??? POV)

I never thought this would happen. My first mission! Even though my family is all agent I'm the youngest I was never allowed to fight alongside them. I looked at the list of people who are on the same mission with me. Great I have Sehun in the team. He'll be watching me I know that. I looked over to see my classmates talking about the mission but some just talk about me.

"I can't believe her family is allowing her to do this."

"She's treated as a princess at this school though her parents and sibling are all agents."

"She should have quit so more people can have this opportunity."

I covered my ears to ignored their voices. I wanted to be in my best friend's arms and cry telling him what they are saying. But I can't tell him what I'm learning. I hate keeping secrets from him. I hate lying to him. I hear the bell ring and I got quickly rushing out of the class heading to see my parents. I ran passed people before I suddenly hit someone and I fall down.

"Watch where you are going?" the guy said

I know that voice. Let me guess its Jennie's boyfriend Kai.

"Sorry Kai I wanted to get home before my sibling do."

"Aren't you Jennie's little sister?" Kai said

"I'm not little and yes im her sister."

"You're so small compared to your sisters and brothers." Kai said laughing

"IM NOT SMALL!" I shouted at him

"Kai who are you talking too?" I heard Jennie's voice

"It's your sister." Kai said

"Oh Hi." Jennie said faking a smile to me

As always you never say my name like everyone does in the family.

"Hi well I'm heading home bye." I said dashing off.

I finally made it to the house where I see my parents talking to a couple of people. I proceed towards the house looking down.

"Sweetie dinner is on the table if you want to eat." I hear my mom say


I walked in to see my little baby brother. I go up to him and picked him up.

"Hi Riku. Did you miss me?"

Riku babbled and smiled at me.

"I missed you too."

I carried Riku to the kitchen and sat at the table alone again. I slowly ate my food and fed Riku. I looked at the time to see in already 8pm. I sighed and got up taking Riku to my room and rocked him to sleep. I placed him in the crib and sat on my bed. I took out my papers and looked through it. Suddenly a photo of me and my best friend popped out. I picked it up and held it.

"I wished that I didn't have to hide things from you." I whispered.

*ring ring* I looked over to see my phone showing the face of my best friend smiling. I picked up the phone. I smiled once I heard his voice.

"My panda bear I miss you."

"I miss you too Hobi."

"So how's school going?"

"It's going ok lots of things are happening."

"Aww. Well how about we meet at the park tonight I'll pay for anything you want." Hobi said excitingly

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