Jeremiah - W.I.P -

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Chocolate skin, a body sculpted through years of dedication. A black spider tattooed across his chest. His sex appeal was his attribute, one he used to his advantage. A rogue, Jeremiah roamed the world flexing his muscles and making women smile. He would never be able to run with a pack again. Why? No one knew that he was still alive. And he wanted it to remain that way. It was hard enough living in the shadow of greatness, the bastard brother of a man called to greatness. No matter what he did, what he accomplished in his own life, he would never be considered good enough in their eyes. Malcom wa a god to their people and Jeremiah, well Jeremiah was one to be forgotten.

It was while he was in Canada that he got word. Vincent was dead, Malcom had turned down the chance to be Alpha, and now there was mayhem, demons and Malcom…well he needed his brother. Jeremiah kept tabs on Malcom, he always knew where his brother was and if her was okay, this was not something he would ever admit aloud. Even if Malcom knew nothing of him, they were still blood and blood was bond. Jeremiah stood from his bed, gently rolling Mya, a frisky wolf with no worries of bedding a wolf unaligned to the side. He headed to the shower, it was the best place to think. He duked his head underneath the flow of the water and let it run down his back. He knew he had to go, he was the only one who could save his brother. He was the only one who could help any of them. Sirus was a great man, but he was no Alpha. Malcom should have stepped up to the plate but he depended to much on his heart.

Jeremiah grabbed his clothes and quietly left the room. His brother needed him an he would be there to help him. The moon lit the sky as Jeremiah tied his bags onto his bike and hit the road heading home. Back to his city, his pack, his people, his brother.

Chapter 1

The notice came as they all did, a plain white envelope, the letter J on it and a wax seal. As he turned the enevelope over he knew that it was bad news before he opened it. The wax was red instead of the usual black. And the seal inside of it, usually blank, now an X. Malcom was in serious trouble. He took the envelope into his his hotel room and sat on the bed. A large pull of air filled his lungs as he cracked the seal and took out the folded piece of paper.

“Malcom, update: wounded, severely. Demonic involvement.” (Confer with SIRUS book for name and details.

Jeremiah dropped the paper to the floor. There was no way he should be blaming himself but he was. It was his doing, the demons were free because they had hesitated in a crucial moment. Being rogue and unaligned didn’t meant that you didn’t have responsibilities. His life was no cakewalk and because his team hasn’t come through when needed, their people were all a target. The entity that came across the threshold, demon was the closest name they could give it, it fed off of their kind. The wolves, vampires, all of the supernatural beings of earth. They were working to correct their mistake but it was a slow process at best. The more they destroyed, the more that appeared. The door was closed but the beast had already been unleashed. And now his brother has fallen victim to one of them. They were spreading a lot faster than they had ever estimated. He wondered how they had gotten from northern Canada all the way to Texas and beyond. Reports were coming in from all over and they were horribly unprepared to deal with the problem at hand.

“Melissa, I need to speak with you. The problem has spread, we can no longer keep this information to ourselves. I know that you wanted to keep it under wraps but this things is out there now. People are more than aware of the problem, the least we could do is tell them how to defend themselves! We are losing people left and right, wolves and vampires alike!”

Jeremiah - W.I.P -Where stories live. Discover now