12/08/13 California
So your all thinking great another american story "yay" but this ones a little different.
It all started on July the 7th 1998 when i lily Parlo was born into this god for saken world also known as the united states of america,it was only a few years ago when i decided to write a diary.
dear diary i was at lunch today when i realized i was going to be late for class so i sprinted and reached the closing door a slight second before it closed but i was to late my class was sitting there looking at me in confusion as if they didnt know me."excuse me what are you doin in my class" oh no im in the wrong class "umm sorry wrong class"almost every student in that class was laughing except one boy i think his name was oliver or at least thats what his name badge said.i quickly run over to the door i blast out in a raging pain bursting through my heart whats going on i thought to my self.
dear diary well yesterday was a disaster so i descided to stay home for today but that wasnt such a good idea."LILY im hungry,LILY im cold LILYYYYYY" my mom made me baby sit my younger sister.since shes only three years old she cant goto school yet.
dear diary im at school and im ready to get into the "right" class when the bell rings but i cant get over what happened on monday or oliver. Everytime.Everytime he walks past me i smile and wave as if i didn't have feelings for him ,but im determined to tell him as if he would even care.
dear diary ok so today was worst then monday i fell into a pole and when i went to the nurses office she put gell on the horrendous bruise that actully made it worst.Am i cursed ?,whats happening to me i thought high school would be fun un like juniour high but i was wrong itwas worst ,but at least i havnt been bullyed yet.
dear diary its friday and im being causious of my souroundings but its not working i have already triped over and been laughedat but appart from that nothing else has hapened.ok so i was in the cafateria when oliver came over to me and said are you ok ,i was thinking what does he mean so i said "sorry what do you mean ?" he rushed me to the nurses office while he said its ok dont worry .whats going on is there something on me ,is my skin blue ahhh whats going on?
dear diary it turns out that i had a swelling neck but how i thought to myself?well my normal reputation is over im now known as "fat neck "well thats what all the "populer" girls are saying , but on the bright side oliver must have been looking at me other wise he wouldnt have noticed or was he ,oh well he dosnt even like me.
dear diary i sat alone today at lunch not even the nerds would sit with me oh well i got a whole table for myself ,is that a good thing?oh well."umm i couldnt quite understand why you of all people would be sitting by your self"oliver says in a quite voice and then sits down right next to me ,my heart pounds and i cant breath for a slight second but then i come to my sences."so i soar you in phisics club "i say but there was no answer but i note saying his number and address "come over some time".
dear diary yesterday was by far the best day i have had all week oliver actully talked to me and gave me his number if i was less crazy i would have called when i got home but insted i practiced what i was gonna say "hey oliver i didnt hear you there"no "hello oliver nice to talk to you "no ahhh why is it so hard to think of what to say. "bring,bring" ahhh hes calling."ahh hi ,i say but all he says is wanna go out............my hearstops for a second but theres more..to town .My amediate response was yes but i said when ?he replied now"umm ok where do we meet"he says i will pick you up ."ok"
dear diary last night was awesome we went to the movies and then to the lake,i was wondering if it was a date but naaa.i just realised he knew where i lived ,but i never told him (stalker alert )not really.
Teen Fictionthis is a story about a teenage girl named lily parlo.she then meets a guy at school named oliver who she then has a massive crush on him and he does to. they become best friends and then tramendous things happen to them they travel and have fun