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Caitlyn's POV

It's been 2 months since Gen's Party and I haven't Spoken to Ben nor have I seen him, Kade's and I relationship was growing stronger and the feelings I had at the start of the relationship are coming back. He hasn't laid a hand on me since the party and he has apologised for everything he has done. I forgave him of course but I really need to see Ben again. Jess doesn't speak to me which thank the lord because i hate her and Gen and I always catch up. Graduation is about 1 month away and this week we are the final exams so I was at the library waiting for Kade to Show up to study with me 

"Hello, Love" Kade Came behind me and kissed my cheek 

"Hello kade, How are you," I say as Kade Sat down on the chair next to me 

"Stressing out for Exams, what about you?" 

"Same here"

"I'm sure you will be fine, your smart girl"

"That's what everyone says,"  I say 

"It's the truth though" 

"If you say so" I lean in and gave him a kiss 

"What's your first exam?" He asks me while he opens his books 

"I have Biology then Drama then English then Chemistry and then math. What about you?"

"I Have Chemistry and English same time as you, but first I have Legal then Photography then it's English and chemistry then lastly politics"

"Not Bad, Why did I have to choose all the hard subjects," I say as I fall back on my chair 

"They are good subjects they are going to get you places"

"Yeah I want to study Chemistry at Imperial" 

"Are you only choosing Imperial because Brian May studied there?"

"Maybe" I dragged out 

"I love you" 

"I love you too Kade" He leaned in and gave me a kiss

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