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"Amber, can you get me a glass of water?" Mr. Smith's voice crackled through the phone when I picked it up.

"Of course, Mr. Smith. Right away." I hung up the phone, getting out of my seat quickly. Heading to the employee lounge I nod to the other secretaries at their own desk. They all had the same look on their face, tired but excited that the weekend was finally here. I had only been working this job for a couple of weeks, so I was fresh. But I know how demanding this job would be and wondered would I look like them after a few more weeks.

After filling a glass of bottled water, I walk the long hall back to my boss. Mr. Smith was the owner of the company. I'm still not sure what they do here, but I'm happy to be able to even get this job. Pausing outside Mr. Smith's glass door, I noticed he was on the phone his back towards the door. Opening it as quickly as possible, I walk to his desk and noticed he wasn't talking like himself. He was talking in another language, something I never heard before. Something, not from this world. My pulse racing, I walk backward as quickly and quietly as I could. I was almost to the door when I tripped over my own feet, causing me to yelp, falling over and spilling the water over me.

As I try to sit up, I hear Mr. Smith slam his phone down on the receiver. Looking up, all I see is blackness where his eyes should be, looking at me menacingly. I hear the door slam behind me and the lock turn as I'm pulled up by an unseen force and dragged in front of Mr. Smith. A chair is pulled behind me and I sit against my will.

"What did you hear?" Mr. Smith demands in a non-human voice. His face changes into something out of this world by the second. All I can do is look at his black non-pupil eyes. God, just let someone come down the hall and see this and save me! I scream in my head. As if hearing me, he smirks. "No one is coming to save you."

"Mr. Smith, please. I won't tell anyone, I swear. I work for you, I'll do anything!" Tears slide down my face in earnest.

He stands in front of me, kneeling until he is at eye level. "Of course you won't tell anyone. You'll be here, with us."

His words echoed in my mind. Everyone was like him, or maybe just the bosses were. And the secretaries were like me, no family, no one to come look for them. "What do you want with me?" I shivered as I asked.

Leaning towards me, his face inches from mine. "Breeding, of course."

My eyes go wide in fear as my mind is filled with a bright white light.

A Day at the OfficeWhere stories live. Discover now