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All Percy could do was Run. Run away from his past, his family, and his 'lover'. The Gods betrayed him except for a few, and most of his friends casted him out, The goddess Hecate is one of the very few he could trust. She asked Percy to meet her in a forest in New Hampshire. When he got there, there was a young woman standing there, when she turned around he relies that woman standing there was Lady Hecate

"L-lady Hecate!" I manage to say, but it was in a stupid stutter, Lady Hecate turned around and smiled and gentle smile at me

"Hello Percy Jackson, come closer." She smiled at me as I walked closer to her and I kneeled down "Percy Jackson  would you like to be my champion and accept my blessing?"  I looked at her shocked but I quickly nodded, she touched my forehead and said "I Hecate Goddess of Magic, Witchcraft, Night, Ghost and Necromancy make Perseus Jackson my champions and I also bless him." She announced

Once she finished saying that I glowed and my eyes were still sea-green but near the pupils were purple, As he stood up he felt some new found power in his veins

"So Percy do you wants a new life away from the other gods?" Lady Hecate asked me, I nodded with no hesitation at all. "Have you heard of Witches and Wizard my dear boy?" I was confused but nodded again "Well guess what? They are real and you just became one of them!" She said happily

I was took back, I was a wizard or a witch I don't know. I looked at her to see if she was lying but she just had a serious look on her face that said 'I ain't lying' so I believe her, went on explaining how there's a place in London where no gods are allowed there except well her of course

"But Percy there is a catch,"of course a catch" You have to change your age to 11 again." I nodded " and you have to change your name to Percy Jones, which I already sighed you up for hogwarts, oh and you have to protect a boy named Harry Potter, because my world will be doomed if you don't." I groaned, another quest "Got it?" Ok so the people teaching at Hogwarts already know about your heritage on your fathers side so..."A old man that looks like Gandalf appeared out of thin air "Meet my son Albus Dumbledoor!" She says, I could tell she was excited to him

"Hello young one I am Albus Dumbledoor, just call me Dumbledoor though." He said as he looked at me with a twinkle in his eyes

"So uhh... how did you get here?" I pointed out

"In the wizarding world there is a a way for wizards to teleport, it's called apparition, it's used to get somewhere quick, though we can go far but not very far. That's what port keys are for." He chuckled at my terrible knowledge about his world "So Hogwarts is a school" I groaned "for magic, but you have to get invited to get in so..." he dug around in his pouch he had for a bit until he picked up an envelope "here we are."

He gave me the envelope. On it, it had a a badger, a snake, a griffin, and a raven all on one shield looking thing. I opened it up by the weird wax thing, seriously why put wax on it, just why? I opened the letter and it read

 I opened it up by the weird wax thing, seriously why put wax on it, just why? I opened the letter and it read

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I noticed it was wrote in Greek so I could under sand it, then I found another letter in Greek it reads

I noticed it was wrote in Greek so I could under sand it, then I found another letter in Greek it reads

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"I accept to go to Hogwarts Professor. Dumbledoor." I told him, I was ecstatic to have a new life, I was even happier to have my new life in London, which is far away from the other gods that is not Hecate of course . Lady Hecate put her hand out signaling that I am going to be apparate somewhere. I grabbed her hand and when we apparate I regretted instantly. When we got to London I felt dizzy and sick, though I didn't throw up luckily. Dumbledoor door looked at me amused at my face. I started to walk with Lady Hecate and Dumbledoor. Slowly. I followed them to these apartments it looked like it was missing a number 12 so I was confused until a apartment with the number 12 on it appeared, so I just guessed it was some mist to disguise it. We walked through the door and when I looked inside I could only discribe it with one word. Dusty.

"Sorry for the dust. This place wasn't used for awhile, this isn't even my house, it's a person who is in a wizard prison called Azkaban house." She chuckled. She clapped her hands and the place was cleaned up in a instant

I got settled in pretty quickly, Lady Hecate stayed with me for a few days to teach me a bit about the wizarding world, she also gave me some eye contacts to hide my sea green eyes, so it shows a amber instead. She also told me to hide my personality to a shy but bold with friends kind of personality, which I can say is ?Hard. Unbelievably hard. Lady Hecate called me into her room to give me a stronger blessing, so I can add to my different personality, when she gave me the stronger blessing I felt like I know a lot more magic than usual. She explained to me that the blessing is that I can memorize all magic now and I now memorized all the magic she taught me and more, so now I have to be a know-it-all in my new split personality. While I was in the room she called another goddess I know and trust, Hebe the goddess of youth. She also blessed me to be able to change my age for a whole entire year, of course I have to have a little break now and then but everything else I was fine, so I changed myself to look like my 11 year old self but with more scars and more muscles, Hecate noticed the muscles are going to be a problem in my shy weak personality, so she used magic to weaken my muscles and strength to its original state before CHB (Camp Half-Blood).

"Percy! Remember tomorrow me and you will go shopping for your supplies in a place named Diagon Alley tomorrow ok?" She reminded me, I nodded and left the room

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