James and Lily

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Why was he so nervous? He knew that she was the ONE. Literally no one no one else had compared to her since they were eleven years old. But he was still nervous. Sirius and Alice were almost to him now and the closer they go the harder it got to breathe. Padfoot nudged him as he took his spot next to him but all he could do was stare at the doors as Remus and Mary came next. He was sure that his face was blue by now, he hadn't taken a breath since the music started. Remus was grinning at him now as he walked by to stand my Sirius at his side. Wormtail was on his way now accompanied by Marlene. This was his last chance to run. Hide somewhere in the woods in a cabin as a seclude forever. He wouldn't though because as much as he couldn't breathe at the moment he still wanted this. Had since he was starting his first year at Hogwarts and he wouldn't ruin it now. At some point during his reflection Pete has completed his walk and suddenly the music was changing. The last one to walk through the door made all the air he had been refusing to let in come rushing in like a tsunami. She looked stunning her red hair stood out so vividly against the white of her dress. The green of her eyes looked even more bright with happiness. And she was on her way towards him. Lily Evans. On her way to become Lily Potter. And the years of waiting were suddenly worth it and he couldn't breathe again. This time for an entirely different reason.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2019 ⏰

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