A New Recruit:

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Paul's p.o.v


Today was just like any other day. Some men flirting with the nurses, and while other men getting drunk in the cafeteria. I'm  in the Gym Area in the base, until I heard the intercom turn on. "Paul, you are to report to Red Leader's office," and I was shocked. "Why would he need me?" I questioned to myself as I quickly got dressed back into my army suit, put my workout clothes in my locker, and ran to the gyms exit towards the elevator on my left. I tripped into the elevator, and a couple men chuckled, but I ignored them and I pressed the second button from the bottom. As I waited for the elevator to reach it's destination, I grabbed one of my non-crooked cigarettes from its container in my pant pocket, put it in my mouth, and I lit it with my lighter from my breast pocket. Once I slid the lighter back into my pocket the elevator door opened and I walked to the middle of the room.

Tord's p.o.v


When I got my feet off of my desk, the elevator door opened and Paul entered without ushering a word. To be honest; I was slightly impressed by his behavior, but I can see a slight touch of nervousness in his stance and a hint of fear in his eyes, but that doesn't bother me too much.

"Hello, Paul, you're probably wondering why I called you here on such short notice," I said as I leaned back in my chair and connected my fingers together on my lap. I nodded my head to the chair on the other side of my desk,"You may sit," I said, and he sat down onto the seat; slightly relaxing his back to the back of the chair and released a comfortable sigh as he stretched a bit and his back releases a couple popping sounds.

"I'm ready for whatever you throw at me, sir," he exclaimed as he situated himself in his chair to become slightly taller than what he really is.

"All right, then," I replied as confidence seemed to rise in Paul's chest. "He really has changed over the past few weeks," I thought to myself as a little smirk appeared on both Paul and I's face.

"I need you to teach a new recruit named " Patryk" on how things work around here, and that won't be too hard, would it?" I asked, and Paul chuckled a little bit as he lowered his head, then he quickly lifted his head back up with his eyes almost bursting with determination.

"Yes I am, sir," he replied.

"Then you may go. He's in the cafeteria," I said as Paul walked off with pride in his stance, even though it was as if he was rushing to get out of my office.

"He sure has gotten cockier, lately, but he's  still the same old Paul" I thought to myself as I pulled out some paperwork, and continued to do it with my feet on the desk and cigar resting carelessly in my mouth.

Paul's p.o.v


As I walked into the elevator, my pride started to diminish. "Shit, what if I screw up! What if  this "Patryk"  is a bratty child?!? What if this sucks so bad that he will kick me out of the army!!!" I started to slowly panic. I then thought that the boss wouldn't hire a bratty man unless he was absolutely desperate. I started to calmed down, until the elevator doors opened to the cafeteria. Their were men arm-wrestling, playing poker, and even some were drunk and dancing on the tables! I sighed,

"Well THIS is just great," I exaggerated. I squeezed through the crowds of men that smelled of either sweat or booze, and then I heard yelling. I slowly climbed my way up to the ruckus to find a dog-fight. I saw a bulky man that was built like a tank, and a tall, brown-haired man that was laying on the ground. I ran to the hurt man like I had instincts that I never knew that I had, and I held the upper-half of his body and slipped his curved bangs out of his face. He.. actually looked kinda cute-I-I mean, he had a nice face, and he's well built, but all that remained was bruises and a black eye on him. It tore my chest apart, and it didn't make me sad, no no no no, it. Made. Me. Pissed. I looked at the bulky man, and then back at the man in my arms. "I CAN'T let this go unpunished," I thought as I put the man down and faced the tank in front of me.

"Huh? What do you want, punk? You protecting your friend over there?" He said as he pointed to the crippled man behind me.

"I've never met him, but I know that you are gonna get an ass whoopin'." I replied. This set the man off and the crowd booing at the man or me. He ran to me like a bull on steroids, but I rolled to the other side of him so that he couldn't reach me just yet. I grabbed my gun from it's holster, and I shot his shoulder. He yowled in pain as he collapsed onto the ground holding his shoulder blubbering and sobbing.

"Done bein' a child, you douchbag?" I asked, putting my gun in it's holster once again, and looking at the big man cowering and whimpering on the ground while holding his shoulder as it gushed out blood.

"Mhmm..." he replied as he wobbled away from the scene while the people around us cheered and handed over their biddings to each other. I sighed and picked up the banged up tol man bridal style and jogged to the Medical Center which, thankfully, wasn't that far from here.

"T-Thank you...." the man in my arms weakly whispered.

"Heh.. Well, it's the least that I could do, what's your name anyways?" I asked

"My name's P-Patryk.."

Yo!! His is my first story, and I hope that you like it!! Their will be more, and it might be awhile before I can really put it up here! Thank you!!

~ Stormy1130

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