To afraid to be

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She is the one who sits behind the class
To afraid to speak so she lets the world pass
She used to try and speak her mind
And got ignored time after time

Now she is to scared to say what she thinks
And when she does find the courage that she needs

She knows that no one will hear her
No matter how loud she talks or how people fear her

She is to broken now or to scared you see
She is the girl who is to afraid to be

She is a diamond in the rough
With a heart true and tough

But being ignored for too long
Will make you less strong

She is a keeper that no one kept
She is the product of fake love and neglect

She is the wind beneath everyone else's wings
But yet she goes completely unseen

She has tried so hard to fit in that she lost her self
Put the old her on a real high self

She is the voice that the world needs to see
But she is the girl who is to afraid to be.

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