Chapter 1

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Author's note: Hi, im Taylor and this is gonna be my first ever series. So basically this story is gonna take place at South Park and how Craig found his true love. Without futher or do, lets start reading!!! :) (Craig Tucker x Reader) I actually didn't put this story as Reader x but i decided why not?

(Craig's POV)

I walked down the hallway with my friend Clyde who is kinda pissing me off.

" You have been single for too long dude. Almost literally everyone from 11th grade had been laid.'' he moaned.

'' I don't wanna get laid and getting a girlfriend is my problem not yours, so back off. '' I exclaimed as I gave him a cold glare.

'' Jesus Craig, You're a fucking white sheet of paper! '' he muttered as he crossed his arms. I flippped him off and headed to class. I sat in my seat and looked out of the window. At least that was the only thing that could entertain me.

'' Okay now (your name), can you recite your poem?'' Mrs Tardey said. A (your hair colour) haired girl walked infront of the class. She let out a nervous smile and cleared her throat.

The river's a wanderer,
A nomad, a tramp. He doesn't choose any one place To set up his camp. The river's a winder, Through valley and hill He twists and he turns, He just cannot be still. The river's a hoarder, And he buries down deep Those little treasures That he wants to keep. The river's a baby, He gurgles and hums, And sounds like he's happily Sucking his thumbs. The river's a singer, As he dances along, The countryside echoes The notes of his song. The river's a monster, Hungry and vexed, He's gobbled up trees And he'll swallow you next.

She recited it shyly. How cute.

(Reader's POV)

'' That was excellent (your name). Okay now, Craig you're next. '' Mrs Tardey stated. A tall, skinny dark haired boy with a cyan chullo walked out.

'' My poem is about my microwave.'' he said as everyone laughed. I looked at him in confusion.

Roses are Red,

Violets are Blue,

Why do we have homework?


I let out a soft giggle while the teacher looked at him with disgust.

'' Craig, is this a joke?'' She hissed.

'' No its my poem. '' he replied as everyone laughed.

Time skip

The teacher ordered him to sweep the floor as a punishment. I saw him cursing softly under his breath as i walked into the room.

'' Hi Craig.'' I said

'' Are you here to watch me suffer?'' he questioned ironically.

'' No, just here to take my lunch box.'' I answered as I took my lunch box from my bag.

'' I liked your poem and it sucks that you have to sweep the floor.'' I added just to make him feel better.

'' Tell me about it. '' he mumurred.

(Craig's POV)

I smiled and let out a chuckle.

'' So you're new here?'' I asked.

'' Ya, I used to live in (your country) and then we decided to move here after a year.'' she replied as she shrugged her shoulders.

'' Welcome to South Park and word of reminder, you're gonna freeze your tits off.'' I chuckled.

Tweek saw us talking and walked into class.

'' Hey.....Buddyyyyy.'' Tweek chirped.

'' Yoouuu're the newww girl....rightttt?'' he stuttered.

'' *smiles* Yeah, im (your full name) . Nice to meet you.'' she sang and gave Tweek a handshake.

'' Hi... Im Tweeek.''

'' Well, it was nice to talking to you both. I will leave you both alone now.'' she said ane left the classroom.

Tweek glance at me and grinned at me suspiciously.

'' What was tthat ?'' he questioned.

'' Socializing. '' I replied sarcasticly.

'' You likee herr.. rightt? '' he asked.

'' You're dumb. '' I replied while sweeping the floor.

'' Youuu barelyy talk to ...girls EVERR.'' he chirped.

'' Tweek. I just fucking met her. ''

'' Craigggg HAS AA CRUSHHH ONNN-'' I covered his mouth.

'' Just keep it down geez.''

After school

(Reader's POV)

Craig was right. It was so cold. Im not used to the weather. I shivered as the cold gust of wind blew against my neck. I quickly shut the door after entering the house.

'' Mum Im back. '' I sang.

'' Good, dinner's ready.'' she answered. After ditching my bag in my room, I sat at the dining table.

'' So how was school today? Do you like it here?'' she asked.

'' *swallows food* Actually its nice. Its way peaceful and calm than Florida and I made tons of new friends.'' I replied.

'' That's good. (your name).... im sorry that we have to move here. I know you will miss your friends back in Florida but I have to work here for our own good. Eversince your dad left and- ''

'' Mum, I understand. ''

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