Lights ON

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The floor was already warming under his feet so Gun moved them again a few inches to the right, closer to Mark's, he just noticed and smiled at himself.

It was their last night in Manila. The fan meet ended feverishly, with the crowd reluctant to even exit the venue, if not only for the continuous reminders of the staff through the PA system. Gun, despite his talkative nature, didn't feel the need to voice it out to the other LBC boys how the support and acceptance from other countries would still take them off guard. It's an amazing feeling that fills his heart with warmth.

He didn't want it to end.

Few hours have passed and Gun can still feel the buzz and that floating feeling he gets every time they finished their fan meets. It's an overwhelming feeling that he can't put into words. Luckily, he gets to share it with everybody--with someone. With this kid that's staring blankly far away, phone on hand and feet as bare as his. This little rendezvous of them started last night, Mark and him would go out to the lobby, walk around barefoot, relax and unwind.

Gun stares at Mark, 'He's daydreaming again.' he wanted to comment about how good looking the other person is or how he can just stare at him all day but his mind offered an alternative. The older snickers and without warning, he swipes Mark's face with his hand.

"Oi, P'~!" Mark was effectively pulled out from his thoughts. The sound of Gun's boisterous laughter bounced at the walls, echoing in the almost empty lobby. It was contagious, and Mark couldn't even bring himself to pretend to look annoyed. Just like awhile ago, the older would always pull him out from his comfortable black and white world and splash colors and glitters right at his face.

It was a metaphor up until Gun did that to his face.a

"You angry??" the older teases and brings his fingers up to separate Mark's scrunched eyebrows. The younger holds on to the older's hand and kisses it. Gun pulls his hand immediately and looks at their surroundings. He hears Mark's deep chuckle and his heart back flipped for two things; fear of being seen and that laugh.

"There's almost no one around, P'. And I don't think it's a big deal around here."

Indeed, Gun saw only few people that were still up and most were the Hotel staff. He made eye contact with the lady in the front desk. She just smiled politely and carried on with what she's doing.

"Well aren't you confident? Should we test their reaction if I pull my pants down?" Gun stands up, tugging at his pants playfully.

"No, no, no, P'Gun~" they were having a laugh on their own. Mark knew Gun wasn't going to do it but his hands instinctively grabbed the older's pants by the waistline to keep those pants where they should be.

Mark's hands were still on the older's pants when Gun froze, "Ah, shit. I uh...I really need to take this pants off. C'mon, let's go back."

Mark felt the heat rise at his nape and raised his brow at the older.

Gun realized how he sounded and sighed, "No, not that."

The younger was smiling at him suggestively.

"Woi, I forgot to bring extra pants so I have to wear this again! I need it clean!"

"I thought you were about to take it off, P'?"

Mark was starting. Gun knew that look. He had to be brain dead not to notice the shift in the younger's eyes. The excitement is bubbling at the pit of his stomach too.

"Oh really, you want me to take it off here? 3000 Baht and I'll do it. C'mon pay up~" the older tries to brush off the arousal being projected by Mark but the younger then reaches for his wallet and Gun had to dive and catch the younger's hand to prevent any kind of deal. It's only been months since they started going out but he knew how determined Mark could be. He's a less talk, more action type of guy and that was not the time to challenge that, Gun thought.

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