Caster Disaster

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Thanks to Hans Elsa was an hour late to the academy, because let's just say that attendance is not as important to her as not looking like she fell out of a garbage truck.

"Ms. Arendelle, what a pleasant surprise! It seems that you took your sweet time to get here, let me guess, you forgot what the meaning of a lanuae magicae cast was?" Everyone begun snickering and the Mrs.Freez made a show of dismissing me to my seat.

Great. Elsa was tarty to the class of the most hateful instructor, my oh my am was lucky.

"Well, since now you are all here, I'm happy to introduce our new unit, the History of Casters."

Everyone began groaning. Mrs.Freez ignored them.

" As you may all now, the Stroicheia Ball and Glorious Seasons in coming up, so I want you all educated on our past ancestors and how we came to be. We shall start with a project about The origins of elements, and all of you will need one partner. This project is half of your final grade so remember to participate and present to the class what information you have gathered. The groups will need to meet up to better understand the information, also both of you must learn one element cast, that is a huge part of your project grade. Now find whatever partner you-" she was interrupted by the sound of a knock, anyone could just cast a teleport spell, but using casts is prohibited during academy hours unless necessary.

Elsa's dad-the headmaster-walked in, he was hesitant, and then he whispered into Mrs.Freez's ear. She stood paralyzed as if he said that her relative died in a horrible accident.

Both of them looked at Elsa.

"Well class, seems as though we have a new student at the academy." She said it like it was a nightmare. There hasn't been a new student since she first started going to the academy when she was a toddler.

She didn't realize that there was someone beside her father until Mrs.Freez uttered that there was a new kid at the academy.

No. It can't be...him...

But is was, it was the man of her dreams. And Elsa didn't mean that he was a perfect guy, she literally meant that he was in her dreams.

And nightmares.

Mostly she had nightmares, gut-wrenching nightmares that woke her up at night and left her crying, one time she swore she saw blood stream her cheeks.

He looked at her.

He smiled, he actually smiled at her.

" Okay everyone, this is Jackson Overland Frost, please welcome him to the academy." She said, which was ironic, since she herself is looking at him like he was a ghost.

"Everyone find a partner and start by writing ten facts you know about each other! This is an exercise so you can better communicate with the person you will be working with for the next month!" She shouted the words because as soon as the said the word 'partner' everyone proceeded to chat to a nearby friend.

Elsa sat at her chair still dazed about this new guy, Jackson.

Am I going insane? Of course it's not the same guy, he's real. Your nightmares are just that, nightmares, nothing more.

"Ms.Arendelle? What are are doing just sitting there please choose a partner." Mrs.Freez said with a hint of aggravation. I looked around but everyone was taken, already getting along and laughing as most everyone knew each other very well, and those who didn't came out of their comfort zone and started talking and chatting.

Well, this was an expected surprise, Elsa once again had no one to rely on.

She looked Mrs.Freez straight in the eyes and shrugged, "I can do this project alone, there's no one else anyone else any-" Jackson spoke up," I'll be her partner." She totally forgot about him for a few moments, then she looked at him, like really looked at him.

He has unnaturally white platinum hair, the color of snow. His eyes they were a deep blue marine, the color of a winter lake. He had a pale complexion, and you would think that would make him unattractive compared to his likewise hair color, but it actually defined his body structure and made him that much more likable.

What the fuck are thinking Elsa, he's supposedly from your deepest darkest nightmares and your thinking about how attractive he is?

" No it's fine, I can work by myself." I said, hoping to God that Mrs.Freez would have pity on my soul.

She almost seemed relieved that she said that. She then looked as though she thought twice of the situation. She looked around, Elsa was guessing to see if anyone else was available. She sighed with defeat.

" I'm sorry Elsa, but you must have a partner for this project and Jackson-" Jackson interrupted her," I prefer Jack ma'am." he said politely, but with an somewhat vibe of an order rather then a suggestion.

"Well, er, Jack is the only other person able to be your partner. Now please answer the ten facts about yourself's, you two are very behind."she shooed them away as Elsa saw her take an aspirin from her desk drawer.

Elsa gave her a weird look, usually teachers don't need to use mundane medicines unless headaches are absolutely atrocious.

" Are we going to do this ass-ignment or not?" He said, as I snapped out of my thoughts.

" Yeah sorry I was just thinking about something." She said, wondering how the hell they were going to finish it if there was only five minutes left in class.

"Look who got paired up with the new guy, miss elementless whore." She turned around to see a familiar figure approach them.

Cassidey Viani, Eleya academy's most beloved and popular bitch-feast came up to them smirking with pride at her more then hateful remark.

Elsa has a slender yet awkward frame, but when she says that Cassidey's skinny Elsa means that she's model thin, but with the added weight just where most guys would look. She has a porcelain face, which would have looked very child-like if she didn't wear pounds of makeup. If it weren't for her chestnut hair and green eyes you would think she's a walking Barbie doll.

" I would just love to chat with you Cassidey, but it seems that I have more important matters to attend to." Elsa said as calmly and formally as she could.

" What, make out with the newbie? He's probably also an elementless scum like you." Her little posy of look a likes started giggling.

" Just admit it Elsa, you have no one in your life, everyone you know has already received and element, even your little sister, your just the misfit bitch who has no one to rely on. That's why your trying to find a new soul to torture in Jack, share your sad pathetic life story's with him."

A raging storm started boiling in Elsa from Cassidey's remark.

What hurt about it most was how true it was.

She could feel tears threatening to spill from her cheeks.

No Elsa, you cannot let her get to you, conceal your anger. Conceal it.

"I-" Elsa started, but suddenly all the windows shattered and an enormous unnatural gust of wind and snow blew in.

" Class please stay calm! We must get out of the building as quickly and effectively as we can!" Mrs.Freez screamed over the retching wind.

The class burst into chaos.

Everyone was running around, some even used a lanuae magicae to get out of the classroom. Out of the corner of her eye Elsa saw Cassidey crouching on a chair crying her eyes out about her injuries, her posy trying to comfort her although all she really had was a few scratches.

Elsa just stood there gaping at the swirling storm going around the classroom.

Everyone else was either panicking and running around or trying to calm those who were.

Everyone except Jack, who was standing unnoticed in the middle of the classroom, smiling as if he has just seen the most beautiful of events.

A/N:this chapter was a little longer then the others. Please remember to vote and leave suggestions in the comments!


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