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"ALRIGHT KIDS  GET READY FOR SCHOOL." Rita yells echoing across the house

"Luan get up we gotta go to school."

"Yay." Luan says depressively as Luna leaves to take a shower

Luan used to be a happy child recently she got bullied by Emma Miller and her best friend Kate Smith

Lori gets the keys as everyone gets in the car talking expect Luan who was sitting silently looking out the window

-Inside the school-Im lazy ok-_-

  Luans thoughts-Ok just need to make it through the week and spring break starts

Luan starts to get things out of her locker as Emma slams it shut

What do you want today Emma." Luan says in a sad tone

"You know exactly why we are here idiot." Kate says in a angry way

"Just leave me alone guys i wa-." Luan gets cut off as Emma slaps her across the face

"Never ever say that again or hell will rain down on you." Emma says walking away with Kate

"That ended as poorly as it could of." Luan thinks to herself

The bell rings indicating that 6th period was next where Luan seats next to her best friend Maggie

"I swear English is so boring maybe if Mr Wilson was a good teacher we would pass our tests." Maggie said in a annoyed but normal way

"Tell me about it." Luan said more angry then usual when she stares at Emma and Kate

"Let me guess Emma and Kate were being assholes."

Luan doesn't respond as Maggie seemed to be pissed off

After a long silence the bell rang so Luan and Maggie leave to go home

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