Chapter 1

61 2 4

Warning: Hella Angst, Blowjob, Intercourse, Oral, Fingering, Cheating, Dirty Talk, Slight Cumplay?
Word Count: 5,041


What a simple, yet complex word.

A word that can mean either nothing or everything, depending on the context. Depending on the buildup. Depending on the crime.

The word isn't able to fix the past. It can't grab onto the hands of time and force them to go backward, undoing mistakes and mending hearts, friendships, and memories.

But it can help stitch a big part of the past. It can help people move forward, and it can help lead to forgiveness or to closure. It can help you look back on happy memories a bit more fondly, and it can help people know that they aren't completely hated.

It can mean nothing. You can say it on a whim, softly stuttering it if you so much as bump shoulders with someone, and you throw the word carelessly.

Or the apology could save a relationship when raw emotion and heartfelt sincereness that can lead to a new start, or perhaps to a bit of maturing.

But there was one situation where you weren't exactly sure what you were sorry for.

You were in love with Jungkook since you were fourteen. Five full years. That meant for half a decade you were in love with one man, and no one else. Sure, you dated around, tried desperately to distract yourself with another man, hoping he could let your mind wander from the friend you desperately wished to be with. None quite captivated you the way he unknowingly did. Not one man made your heart drum in such a fast pace you'd never get over, pumping blood throughout you, and your heart fluttering wildly when he looked at you with those star filled eyes, the ones that told you he could see right through you.

But he couldn't. As much as he thought he knew, and as much as you wished, he couldn't see past you for shit. How could he, when he didn't even know how madly in love you were with him?

You were his closest friend, and he was yours. Well, second closest.

Your childhood and family friend was a girl by the name of Seulgi. You knew her since you were practically in diapers, and she seemed to know you like the palm of her hand. Most of your secrets were kept in her hands, as were hers. You'd trust her with your life, which is why you ended up trusting her with your sun and stars.

You had never meant to introduce Seulgi and Jungkook. Sure, you were close to both, but you liked the fact you kept your lives with them a bit separate. It was like two versions of you, and both seemed to adore you in a way that made you glow. You were different people to both, and both combined to make you, in a sense. Though you bantered with Seulgi constantly and felt constantly insecure when she'd 'accidentally' point out your flaws, you two were inseparable, and you liked to believe she loved you as much as you loved her. Jungkook, on the other hand, would see you as someone who was strong and fierce, who could face anyone and everything. When Seulgi made you feel insecure, Jungkook would build you back up again unknowingly, and when Jungkook accidentally looked another way, or you were reminded once again of the fact he'd be nothing more than a friend, Seulgi's arms were the ones that embraced you.

Jungkook didn't know of your crush, nor did Seulgi. Though most would go to their friends about their deepest crushes, about the ones that caused their tears and their smiles when they're alone in the dark, you didn't. You liked keeping Jungkook your little secret, and though Seulgi pried on and on begging you to tell who was your mystery man, you'd simply feed her crumbs in order to sate her.

Seulgi went to a private school since her parents were a bit more prestigious and privileged than your own, which left you to attend public school with Jungkook.

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