Learn To Labour And To Wait

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Mithila's pov

Hi i am 17 and sitting in  middle of the  class when my english teacher is talking about some poem written by H. W. Longfellow.

Personally i love to read poems and books but not the text books 📚 and my english teacher has a feeble and soft voice which i can't even hear. Guess what i am sitting in fourth bench and there are five more rows behind me which also means there are 50 students behind me who can't hear a single word and they don't care about it. I go to a all girls school which  is packed with 90 students in class because the school is so popular, reputed and safe for all girls from the middle class families. The school is technically full of rules you have to follow and if you don't, you are kicked out of the school. There is one thing that all girls in the class do. Nobody can beat us in it. That is sleeping in the english class for which they can't kick us out. But i don't sleep. I would also love to sleep but the teacher just asks lot of questions between her class and if anybody in the class doesn't answer she is complaining to the  terror class teacher we have.For all those who don't know what class teacher is, its simple home room teacher but in India, they are responsible for the entire class and she pokes her nose in everything happening in the class. And her daily morning routine is to scold her students for not behaving well in assembly while the other class students where so good at it (the same  sentence will be heard in all class you step in irrespective of the grades we are in).

Arghh i think alot!! sorry  lets get back to the reason why i was not sleeping in the super interesting english class. Because i am the answer provider for the rest of the class behind me. If the teacher asked question to anyone behind me, i say the answer to my next rows students pretending to take water bottle or something and answer passes to the girl standing and she answers it.

Sleeping dose(which is the nick name of my english teacher and we call her that often and every time that i forgot her real name) knows that some one else prompts the answer but she couldn't find out who it was. She would never ever dream that a good, silent, innocent, only black girl in the class would do it. I am always reffered as that black girl in the fourth bench and i am too happy with the fact that the staffs don't know my name. That means they won't call for the stupid tasks assigned to class like carrying chairs, decorating the school board etc.

The back benchers don't bully me at all. And i love  those guys lot and i help them in whatever they ask me to do. You know i am way too short to sit in the fourth bench. I was supposed to be sitting in second bench where all the padku girls sit. Padku  girls are defined as  the girls who study well and not apply that to their life at all. Like studying about independence of india, democratic india and all good things and bullying just for the fact that she is black. Dude don't you recite all indians are my brothers and sisters and i love my country and treat everyone with courtesy pledge??? I think they miss a part of  brain which they threw into the dustbin because they are studious, too beautiful that all boys would go head over heels for them. Actually the part of brain missing is termed "reality" and girls please come out of your dream world.

The back benchers are full of cool girls who are hated by teachers for not learning and they  have amazing  friends who would do anything for them. The padku girls didn't want me with them and i never wanted to sit with them either. I wasted my good 10 years of schooling being bullied by them and i reallt hated them.

Okay hear the story of my 11th class arrangement.

Our class teacher asked us to stand in height order and i was the 9th shortest girl in the class among the whole 90 and was between the padku girls(all padku girls are mostly short my bad luck) waittt you may think i was padku too no wayyyy. I am a average scorer according to me and the most intelligent person in the class for the girls behind me because i stand first among them and we don't consider the padku girls as our class students. They are all crazy aliens who came from venus and you will be burnt if you touch them.

And you know the girl before me called Nithila absolutely hated me since we differ only by one letter and we always end up fighting in the class. She has this huge group called her friends who were also crazy like her. She started  her fake crying when she knew that i  was going to sit next to her and the teacher said me to sit wherever i want to but not with her(as though i liked her). And that was the day i got independence from the stupids like  india got independence from British after lot of struggle. I sat on the fourth bench since nobody would sit there due to lack of fan there and it was the considered bad luck for any girl sitting there as her make up will be spoiled due to her sweat. I  never applied anything on my face and so i didn't have any trouble sitting there. But the girl next to me was a throw ball player named Ashley. Like seriously i sucked at sports and proudly i am last ranker holder in sports.The stupid school also has rank card for sports and Ashley is my favorite girl in the class because her name was cool. Mostly indian girls have the name saranya, geeta, nandhini, priya dharshini blah blah but Ashley is an awesome name and we can also call her ash but ash was a chatterbox ans she talks way too much. I was  sitting next to her and she is not going to leave me to live in the silent, beautiful bubble i build for myself and true to my words she is my mad best friend who made me a extrovert from the introvert i was.
She talks to me about everything and takes me to every throw ball match we had in the school which i hated watching. I never understand what the players where doing. That game was called catch and catch for me but it was called throw ball to others and there were rules to follow seriously.

I miss her alot when she goes for matches outside the school. She introduced me to the back benchers and i am friend with everyone behind me. I am now in 12th grade with the same arrangement of class since the class teacher let us to sit wherever we like and no one changed the arrangement.

I talk alot. See from what topic i came to what topic. Anyways only thing Ash loves is poems after throw ball and right now she is underlining a poem line and taking notes on a english class. Like seriously notes on english class?? Exactly my weirdo  best friend. The bell rang and i was too happy as its break time and fun time. When i was about to get up from my place Ash stopped me and pointed to the black board where the sleeping dose has written in big bold letter


And the small smile i had in my face left me.

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