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By the contraception of Blackfire. I am the ruler of my empire. No contradiction or conception against me.
Just tell me deeply, the truth of your soul.
Let you life force flow.
From your mind to your essence, and don't let it be absent.
For if you let your true mind speak, your heart shall be peaked.
For you are strong and the best in  life.
Someday you shall become a wife.
For life may have its struggles, but we shall leave these "muggles".
For behind us is the past. But remember material things don't last. Your soul is forever.
For these are the things we've endured. The moral things of this world.
But we must remember our soul is like a pearl. It starts out rough, but is perfected in the end. And when we die our souls ascend.
So remember this and remember it well, remember yourself and lift the realm's veil.

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