You've just had one of the most wonderful nights yet. You are extremely proud, overjoyed yet sad..
You've attended a one direction concert, and the ending has just occured. this has to be one of the best nights in your entire lifetime.
The boys were super pumped, hilarious, beautiful. Words couldn't explain the concert and this moment. you're glad you've gotten to experience it, if there was another concert in your area next year, you'd definitely go, but you feel as 1 is awesome, just seeing any concert of the boys is a hard opportunity for some.
1D concert curtains have been brought down already..their faces hover on a flag. All lights are turned on, which basically means it's time to go. girls arise from their seats. you're eardrums are thudding due to experience of all the screaming, you've lost some of your voice.
you wait for some girls to leave so it won't be quite difficult to leave.'s time to leave the arena, you're phones only got 10% of battery left.
you step outside, extremely windy and chilly. you're wearing
for some unexplainable reason, your phone doesn't allow you to contact anybody with low battery. "well this sucks..." you think. unfortunately, you have to walk home, it's around 11 pm and you don't feel quite safe.
you're only a couple blocks away from home, but it's still completely scary..
you walk with a steady pace, you breathe and exhale the winter air, which makes it look like smoke us being poured out.
You're heart beats a little fast, you turn down a corner, it's a bit busy with people & resteraunts near, no need to tense up, since there's no danger in this area.
Later as you continue walking, you grow fearful, you hear tires pulling up after you, the sound of a car driving behind you.
You look behind you through your hair, trying to make it unnoticeable that you're's a black bus with shielded windows..
Your heart thuds speed up your walking.
you hear the tires screech, you freeze..*SNATCH..YOURE YANKED IN THE VEHICLE* you hear a quick “It’s Us, The Boys” followed by a mischievous laugh.