o n e

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unknown #
jonah, where's the taco bell?

        shit, i thought u said chipotle.

unknown #
but we settled on taco bell for so loong ):
   but u know i don't like taco bell as much as i like chipotle.

unknown #
darn it jonah, looks like you're getting me
taco bell next time (:

       dang that sucks for u, cause im not owing u shit

unknown #
i can smell jack all the way from here

weird flex but oke

unknown #
you're not jonah

           oW, my fEELinGs, don't u have some of those??

unknown #
yep you're definitely not jonah

thank god, took u long enough. i can't pretend to be someone for so long.

unknown #
then who are you?

ur worst enemy 🤠

unknown #
im not convinced.

unknown #
wait, how'd you know jonah doesn't like taco bell?

            first of all, i don't know who this jonah is. second of all, random guess??

              weirdo? have u met yourself?

unknown #
no. but i technically haven't met you though..?

                       what about me?

unknown #
what do you mean, 'what about me?'
i don't even know your name.

                                   ur point??

unknown #
what's your name?

maeve. whats urs?

'unknown #' has changed your contact to 'maeve 🤠'.

                    that's the greatest emoji of all time. 🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠

unknown #
yes, yes it is.

unknown #
anyway. i like your name, it's different. it's not 'bianca' or 'madison', i like it.

ty, people always say it's cool, but no one's ever told me it's different or unique. 🙈 anyway what's ur name?

unknown #
you're welcome (: oh right, im daniel.
You have changed 'unknown #' to 'daniel 🌞'.

daniel 🌞
what kind of emoji is that? 😂

it's a suuun 🌞🌞

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