Twisted Fate

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"So what you are telling me is that these four boys moved from Australia to kill you, but then ended up saving your life in some twisted turn of events? Where do your two friends play into this as well? They just somehow get dragged in to this whole ordeal because of you? You said that this all has to do with you deceased father has to do with them finding you? I'm sorry to break it to you darling, but none of this is making an ounce of sense." The investigator paced in front of the table I was currently hand-cuffed to.

"It does make sense. You just have to look at the small details. Remember when I said before I was born my father was involved in-"

"If this is all somehow true, then where are these mysterious Australian boys? Huh? You said that after they found out who you really are, whatever that means, that they befriended you. The plan was to go into the school, get everyone out, then-"

"I know what the plan was. I was part of it. To answer your question I," I let out a sigh "to be honest I have no clue where they are. After we left the warehouse they took off in to the woods. That's not where we planned on going. The plan was to meet back on the main road at the car. I got there and they weren't there. I had to leave when I heard the cops."

"So these boys 'saved you life' and you just leave them out in the woods after you murdered someone?" She pressed farther.

"I've said this before, I didn't kill anyone! I was just there to get in so the guys could take care of whoever they were dealing with! I had no part in actually killing him."

"But you led him to his death, darling. You are just as guilty ad they are. If you think that you are somehow getting off easy because you claim these imaginary boys killed him and not you, you are sadly mistaken. Now, I'm going to send you back to your cell. Tomorrow when I bring you back in here I don't want to hear your stupid story. You are going to tell me the truth, and only the truth." She smiled sickingly in my face.

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