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"Damnit, Dean!", you yelled, slamming the trunk of the Impala. "If you wouldve listened to me we could have killed that thing, but you always do things your way you selfish, piece of... "HEY!", Sam yelled, interrupting you. "The reason we can't get anything done is because you two will not stop arguing over every damn thing we do. Now cut it out!" You looked at Dean for a minute with an annoyed look on your face and got into the back of the Impala. It had been a long night and you did not want to argue with Dean anymore. It made you upset when he would tell you everything you were doing wrong or when he would criticize every idea you had. The truth was, you actually had feelings for Dean, but you knew he didn't feel the same. 

After getting lost in your thoughts, you guys finally arrived to the motel you were staying in for the night. "I'm gonna go ahead and go to bed. It had been a long night and I know we're gonna have to get an early start. So, goodnight Sam, goodnight Dean.", you said as you headed to the front door. Sam looked at Dean for a long moment and said "How stupid can you be Dean? It is obvious she has feelings for you and I know for a fact you feel the same way." "Alana? Having feelings for me? No, otherwise she wouldn't be so rude towards me about everything. It was not my fault that thing got away tonight, but she made it seem like it was all my fault. And no, I do not have any feelings for her, I know how to treat women and how I act towards her is not how its done.", Dean replied in a low, firm voice. "Dean, you treat her that way because you care about her and you want to keep her safe, so you think maybe if you are always a jerk she will listen. But, that isn't right because all that does is start arguments. You are my brother, we've been through everything together, and I know how you get when you really care about someone so do not lie to me." Dean looked down, thinking about what Sam said. He was right, Dean did have feelings for you but he didn't know you had any for him. 

"Should I tell her, Sam? Please help me out.", Dean said, desperate for help. "You're gonna go in there and you're gonna apologize for being the jerk you had been to her and tell her the truth. You have nothing to lose, only something to gain.", Sam said. You were laying in bed still awake, when you hear the motel door open. You turned to see Dean walking through the doorway. You felt like you needed to tell Dean how you felt, no matter what the cost was. It was weighing you down and you couldn't stand not telling him. "Dean, I need to tell you something.", you said. "No, Alana, I need to talk to you. Listen, I know I have always been a jerk.." You tried to stop him from what he was saying but he talked over you. His voice has always overpowered yours. "Just listen to me", Dean said in a serious tone. He walked over and sat on the bed, next to you. "The truth is, I am only complaining about everything because I care about you, and I feel like if you were actually wrong about something, and if something bad were to happen to you, I would feel like it was all my fault and I couldnt live with myself. I have feelings for you, Alana. And Sam told me you did too, I just really hope its true.", Dean explained. 

"It is true.", you said in a quiet voice. You looked around for a minute and finally said,"I was going to tell you but you beat me to it. Thank you though, it made telling you so much easier. And all of that arguing, was just because you cared about me? Boy did you have me fooled." You were nervous, and you hoped Dean didn't notice. You had always rambled on about things when you were nervous, and Dean knew that. He looked at you with his beautiful green eyes and smiled and said, "Just stop rambling about things I already know so I can show you that I meant what I said." He leaned in closer towards you and pressed his lips to yours. You didn't hesitate to kiss back, his lips were soft and warm, and the feeling gave you butterflies. He parted his lips from yours and stared into your eyes for awhile and said, "You know I'm not a fan of these chick flick moments." You both laughed. "Shut up, Dean.", you said, still laughing. You were just happy Dean knew now, and it made you even happier that he felt the same. Sam came in and saw you two sitting close to eachother, laughing and having a good time. He smiled and said, "Get a room you two." 

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