watch the video ^^^^
girl: maybe it's from the gas
other girl: yes, it is.
pooja: *kicks dustbin by mistake*
girl: poOja whAt is thIs behAviOr?!
pooja: i'm sorry i kicked it by mistake.
girl: yOu caN't kiCk it bY mistAke!
pooja: then pick it up if it bothers u!
girl: no. yOu piCk it Up!
pooja: yOu don'T teLl me whAt to dO!
girl: i CAN tell you what to do
pooja:yOu don'T teLl me whAt to dO!
girl: dustbin-
pooja:yOu don'T teLl me whAt to dO!
girl: or what? -,- are u going to hit me?
pooja: dO yOu wanNeh
girl: i don't..
pooja: bUt yO asken foR Eh. YO DYEN FOR EH! get off my back. got it? *walks in the other direction*
pooja what is this behavior?
Horreurpooja broke the broom stick and kicked the dustbin, she got ganged up by other girls. please pray for our pooja.