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Suicide is a deed of ending ones life. Suicide is often caused by depression, anxiety, and sometimes peer pressure. Now, on to my main debate. "Do you go to heaven if you commit suicide?" I, honestly have no idea. ~ Being a 12 year old and all. ~   "But if you love the Lord with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul, you won't commit suicide." That was Quoting my very wise mother. I think that If your hurting and you really love the lord, but you can't stop the endless pain and suffering, then maybe you'll commit suicide and go to heaven. My perspective. My bestie says other wise. She says "If you love God and trust in him then you won't take your life because god knows when your supposed to die, its not your choice. But you do it anyways. If you are a christian you wont take your life because that would mean your really not a christian." ~A friends perspective~  "I really don't even know if god is real.." That's another of my friends perspectives. If you don't know if god is real then THAT'S OK! It just means your time hasn't come yet to accept the lord into your life! But i think committing suicide, just takes that dept and gives it to another.


      Dear reader,  Please if your considering suicide, DON'T. i know multiple people have probably said this to you but, in my opinion you only get one life. So use it well and enjoy it! And when you die after living your life, you get to live with the lord and in heaven, THERE'S NO SUFFERING. so please, Enjoy today like its your last day on earth. Because like i said, God knows when you die and you don't.   

                                         ~~ 1-800 or UglyAsFrick


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