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"Y/N," your older brother said as soon as you answered the phone, his voice already pleading, and you knew what was coming.

"John, no," you said sternly as you continued walking away from your campus and towards your apartment building a few streets away.

"You don't even know what I'm going to ask!"

"The last time you asked me to go pick up Yuta and Taeil from a bar because they were too drunk to drive themselves home."

"I can't bring Mei to a sleazy bar to pick them up," Johnny said in his defense, to which you only scoffed.

"Then maybe you should get friends who don't need to be picked up from sleazy bars."

"Anyway, I'm not asking you to pick them up from a sleazy bar—"

"Is it a strip club this time?"

"Y/N," he sounded absolutely exasperated, and you bit your tongue to hear him out.

Johnny had just gotten joint-custody of his two-year-old daughter Mei a couple months ago. The mother was some girl he'd gotten knocked up in an inebriated state at a party, and she decided to keep the baby. You had never met your niece's mother and had met your niece only a handful of times, as prior to a few months ago John had limited visiting privileges. Your brother worked hard to get joint-custody, but he still hadn't quite adjusted his lifestyle to fully accommodate her yet. Knowing that he needed to clean up his act fast to provide the best he possibly could for Mei, you were often hard on him. Sometimes too hard, you may admit.

"Sorry, John," you mumbled, encouraging him to continue.

"I need you to pick Mei up from preschool today."

"Can't Yeohwa get her?"

"Mei's mother works nightshifts when she's with me."

"What time?"


"Where is it?"

"By the corner of West Park and Young."

You sighed shortly, checking the time now. That would give you a little less than an hour, barely enough time to get home and get some food before you would have to head out. Hurrying across a crosswalk, you agreed, "Yeah, I can do that."

"Thank you so much!" He was absolutely relieved, tone turning bright again, "You're the best aunt ever."

"You have pretty low standards, dude. So am I taking her to your place or Mom and Dad's?"

"I was actually kind of hoping you could watch her for a bit," Johnny must have sensed the groan forming on your lips already and added, "I'll pay you!"

It wasn't that you didn't like your niece, she was freaking cute and easy to take care of as she didn't do too much yet. But you had stuff to do: homework, your internship, friends. You didn't want your brother to be able to invade your life as well as his because of this. You decided to concede this time, hearing how panicked Johnny was.

"I don't need to be paid to watch my own niece," you shook your head even though he couldn't see it. "And the people there will know who I am, right? So they don't think I'm trying to kidnap her?"

"Oh, I'll call right now! Thanks again, Y/N."

"Yeah, yeah."

"One more thing."


"Love you."

You rolled your eyes, "Love you too, Johnny."

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