Chapter 1

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Emma yawned, and sat up. She stretched, and then proceeded to get out of bed. Today's the first day of school, she thought with a regretful sigh. Just because she loves to read, doesn't automatically means she loves school as well. She'll rather be at home reading her wonderful fiction books; reality is such a bore.


Emma walked out of her bedroom, and noticed Louis's light was still off. Emma rolled her eyes. Should I wake him up? she questioned. Eh, feeling generous today, but he owes me.

"WAKE UP!" Emma screeched in Louis's ear. She resisted the urge to laugh when Louis sat up, looking bewildered.

"Huh?" Louis looked around wildly, before his eyes landed on Emma. He glared at her.

Emma smirked. "Hiya, Lou."

"Don't call me that, little sister," Louis said, knowing it'll irritate her.

Emma glared at her brother. "Whatever. You would've been late if I hadn't woken you up. A thank you would suffice right about now." She gestured for him to say it.

"Not going to happen," Louis said with a grin.

Emma stuck her tounge out rather childishly. She turned and proceeced to march out, but then she tripped over thin air. Her face turned red with anger when Louis bursted into fits of laughter.

Emma quickly got back up. "I meant to do that," she claimed, and then walked out for real - without tripping. She could still hear Louis laughing as she went downstairs, much to her chargin.

When Emma made it to the kitchen, she noticed her mother at the stove making breakfast, and her dad was reading the newspaper. Emma's younger brothers were already up, too. Unlike Louis, at least those two are punctional.

Emma's younger brothers are nine year old twins - two years younger than Emma, and four years younger than Louis. Henri, is the older twin, and Hugo is the younger one. They're identical, both with blonde hair and and blue eyes. Meanwhile, Emma and Louis have black hair. Louis has green eyes, but Emma has blue eyes, like the twins.

"Good morning," Marinette greeted her daughter.

"Morning," Emma said with a smile.

"You're starting sixth grade! Aren't you excited?"

Emma shrugged as she joined the males at the table. Louis bounded down the stairs in a hurry. Unlike Emma would've, he managed not to trip as he came down. He proceeded to sit next to his only sister.

Their dad looked up from his newspaper. "It seemed like only yesterday when I was your age," he said with a sigh.

"So you've said... before," Louis said.

Hugo giggled, while Henri seemed unimpressed.

Marinette said, "Breakfast is ready!"

"Yay!" Henri cheered.

"Thanks, Mom," Henri said.

"I'm starving," Adrien said.

When a plate of bacon and eggs were placed in front of her, Emma began eating. The doorbell rung and Louis stood up. "That must be Alison. We're going to school together," he said.

Emma smirked. "Your girlfriend? Well, wouldn't want to keep her waiting, now will we?"

Louis turned red. "She is not my girlfriend!" he said, as their parents chuckled.

"But you love her, don't you?" Hugo questioned.

"You did say that," Henri said with a swift nod of agreement.

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