Freashman part 1

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Hi my name is Zoe Zanker

My best friends name is Kiley Cranner and this is our highschool life

Zoe:Kiley wake up we are going to be late!

(Kiley wakes up and looks at alarm clock)

Kiley:Crap my alarm wasn't loud enough!

Zoe:Get Dressed!

(Kiley gets dressed and the both of them run to the bus stop)

Zoe:hurry up Kiley!

Kiley:I just woke up!

Zoe:You wouldn't be sleppy if you woke up on time!

Kiley:There it is Turning toward the bus stop!

Zoe:We made it!(Gives Kiley a Upper high five and gets on bus and goes to school)

(1st period math)

Ms.Spooner:ok class pull out your math book and turn to page 48 and then pull out your math note book and write for the title decimals with negitive numbers.

Ms.Spooner:Class does anybody want to read question 8 on your math book "Kiley"

Kiley: 4.43-negitive 8=?

Ms.Spooner:Kiley can you answer that problem for us too

Kiley:Negitive 4.43 hundereths


(class claps)


Ms.Spooner:Hurry up to 2nd priod

Zoe:Sit with me at Spanish


(2nd period Spanish)

Mr.Dauni:Class pull out your spanish book and go to page 13

Mr.Dauni:Can someone read me how to say Yes or No in Spanish "Zoe"

Zoe:"Hi"means Yes or No in Spanish

Mr.Dauni:Yes very good

Mr.Dauni I want the class to read page 13-25 and then then Friday we will write a Spanish paper of what you learned and tody is Augest,20th 2007.

(Class reads pages 13-35)


Mr.Dauni:Class hurry up to 3rd Period

(3rd period Advanced Art)

Mrs.Zapop:Hello class i want to teach you today how to draw perfect limes and neat penicl markings

Mrs.Zapop:Grab a peice of paper and try to make a perfect line with a light touch with the penic and it HAS TO BE NEAT SO NO EARASING

Kiley:are we allowed to use our thin sharpies

Mrs.Zapop:Yes you can if you brought your sharpies please use them.


(20 min later)


Mrs.Zapop:Class go to lunch

(4th period Lunch)

Zoe:Kiley over here!

(Kiley sits next to Zoe)

Kiley:Why are you so quiet all the time you never answer quetions!

Zoe:I don't know i just don't!

Kiley:Yum beef and gravy i am starving

Zoe:Me too i am so hungry we didn't get to eat breakfest beacuse someone did not get up out of bed


(Zoe eats lunch without listening to Kiley)

Kiley:Zoe! Zoe! ZOE!


Zoe:I am starving what do you expect!


(Kiley and Zoe eat for the rest of lunch and they only talk for just a little while after they were finished eating)


Zoe:kiley see you in 6th period


(Kiley goes to Science and Zoe goes to Extra Math and this is 5th period)

Mr.Sinnerter:Class today we are going to do a test you had two weeks to study so show me what you know

(20 mins later) stop and turn in your papers so i can grade them i the time do your homework

(Kileys class)

Mr.Hoffmen:Class grab your goggles and your lab coat because today we are going to be going some experiments

Mr.Hoffmen:Grab a pinch of water and bacteria and mix then we are going to add some dry ice

(20 min later)


(6th period History)

Ms.Zanser:Class pull out your History book and turn to page 30 read pages 30-42

Ms.Zanser: Then after we read the pages we are going to do a test

(13 minutes later everybody had finished reading)

Ms.Zanser:Class we are going to do a test on all what you read so Kiley can you pass out the test

(Kiley gets up and passes papers)

(20 min after Kiley passed out the test)

Ms.Zanser:Everbody turn in your papers and i will see you all tomorrow

(Zoe and Kiley go to their school dorms)

Zoe:Hahaha we are home

Kiley:I am getting a snack

Zoe:What do you want for a snack Kiley.


(Zoe makes some toast)


(Zoe and Kiley eat some toast and drink some coca cola)

Zoe:I am wore out

Kiley:Lets take a nap it is only 3:54

(zoe and kiley take a 1 hour nap)

Zoe:Wake up Kiley it is party time lets get ready!

Kiley:ohh yay lets get dressed

(Zoe does for a punk look and Kiley goes for a rocker look)

Zoe:Lets go

(Zoe and Kiley go to a party with the jouniers)

(3 hours later)

Zoe:That was awsomewe should go back to our dorms and get some sleep we have school tommorrow and it will be Friday whooo who

Kiley:Lets go

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