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(This is my first female x male lemon sooooo, it might suck. I know nothing of the parts a female has and me being a female is strange....... I wanna be a man...then I can be gay and have a cute uke boyfriend. ANYWAYS back to the A/N, This was requested by~: LailaAndTheNordics, I hope this pleases your request~)

The Italian sighed frustrated as he remembered what happened a mere moment ago.

Ve~ Flashback-a~!

"Ne, Romano-kun?" The (H/c) haired female said as she tugged on the Italians sleeve. (Y/N) was Japan's adopted sister and they both shared the same love for anime (I'm not sure about how Japan is, so let's pretend) and yaoi.

Romano turned around with a charming smile, trying to 'charm' the girl he had had his eyes on for a few weeks now. (Y/N) looked with a bored yet calm expression at the Italian, not affected by the smile/smirk he was wearing.

"yes~?" Romano purred, trying to get some kind of reaction from his 'crush'. (Y/N) blinked once, then twice more before putting up a finger (not the middle finger!).

"I wanted to te'rr you that you 'rook cute todai', but' Onii-san needs me," She said before turning around and walk through the main door to the world meeting, leaving a flustered and flabbergast Italian.

Ve~ Flashback end-a!

South Italy sighed before sliding further down into his comfy chair as he thought about the adorable female. a shy blush dusted his cheeks when he remembered the time she had dressed up in a way China wanted. Short skirt, hello kitty stomach shirt and kitty ears and tail. a MAJOR turn on, he had to leave the meeting with an erection, awkward enough also having his younger brother drive them both home.

Romano had absolutely nothing to do today. No World meeting. No interesting news. and no (Y/N), a dreamy expression crossed his features as butterflies fluttered around in his stomach (o-o). His thoughts were interrupted(?) by the doorbell ringing downstairs. His little brother's voice was muffled heard speaking to a quiet one, a familiar one at that. Romano stiffened and sprinted of his chair/armchair and looked around, looking for anything dirty. He started sweating bullets as he heard soft footsteps coming up the stairs. so he hid.........in the closet.

(Y/N) knocked lightly on the door while saying:

"Romano-kun? I'm coming in" she opened the door and it swung open with a creak. The (H/c) haired female looked left to right searching the room for the south Italian, found none tho. (Y/N) stepped in the room and softly walked over to the bed, sitting down, the bed going downwards by the pressure.

Romano blushed and peaked through the blinds on his closet, looking at the beautiful.

"Romano-kun?" (Y/N) questioned as she heard soft shuffling from the door in front of her, leading to the closet. Casually she stood up and strode over to the Closet.

Romano paniced and accidentaly put to much pressure on the door and-?!

Romano groaned as he collided with another body and collapsed on the floor. The italian used his elbows to lift himself up, and his green eyes made eye contact with (E/c). Romanos face turned a dark shade of tomato red as he noticed how close their faces where. (Y/N) being (Y/N) wasn't that affected but bluntly asked:

"Are you a Virgin?" The Italians jaw dropped but he nodded subconcsiously. (Y/N) brought her index finger and thumb to her chin and nodded with closed eyes, their position no changing. (Y/N) sat up and Romano ended up in the smaller females lap, still blushing with confusion.

(Y/N) placed her hands on Romaos bum, which he squeak at, and stated:

"We are going to become Boyfriend and Girlfriend, but first! ill take your Virginity!" The japanese exclaimed with a stubborn, tiny, blush. Romano gaped at his now girlfriend and simply nodded, his brain not actually procceding all the information, yet.

(Y/N), suprisingly, picked up the Italian and carried him over to the bed and carefully put him down.

"Ano...I've read enough yaoi to see where this is going, dont worry i got this" she mumbled. Romano yet to say a single word just keep nodding wanting to hurry up alittle.

The (H/c)-ette slowly unbuttoned his shirt and slid it of his shoulders. His tan soft skin, mark free, tempting (Y/N) to mark it with red and purple love signs. The smaller japanese female pushed the italian down on the bed so he was now laying ( he was sitting when she was undressing him) down.

(Y/N) started slidding of her pale purple kimono, pale skin showing. Romanos member twitched at the sight of her undressing, him getting harder the more skin she was showing. When she stopped the italian looked at her face and she asked in a serious voice.

"We'rr be gentle right?" her eyes cold with demand. Romano nodded feriously know the woman/female was, too, a virgin.

Now only in her white undergarment, she turned her body torwards the italian and continued to undress him, her wetness almost showing threw her panties . while Romano was naked, the female wasn't.

(this is where my awful writing skills crash to toddler level and die with miss-spells along the way)

(Y/N) slid of her panties and seductivly (as possible) crawled on the tan male. She position herself over the throbbing member and softly and teasingly rub herself against him. Romano threw his head back and instictivly bucked his hips upwards, a low groan escaping his lips. (Y/N) pulled Romano's face torwards hers and kissed him softly and slid down on the eight inch rod (xD). Romano moaned loudly but his moans where swallowed up by (Y/N) , who enter'd her tongue into his mouth. The pain of being stretched wasn't as bad as she tought it would be tho.

The tiny female roughly grinded her hips downwards and Romano reacted by putting his hands in her soft locks and gripping them while she started to bounce on him, sending him over the edge everything her tightness slid down on him again. Loud sex sounds left the Italians mouth as he felt himself lose all his pride and dominance that was left.

Soft mewls and purr like sounds came from the female as she lightly panted, sweat glistering her pale skin. Her bob cut hair bouncing along with her movements.

With a few more ups and downs, the male panted out that he was close and the female whisper'd that she , too, was close.

But just as both of them where about to cum, they hear'd a cheery voice from the other side of the door.

"Ve~? Romano? (Y/N)? what are-a doing-a?" (Y/N) turned torwards the door while Romano looked around before burrying his face in the females pale collarbone.

"Ano, we are just making noises Feri'-san, dont worry we are soon done and i'rr come and comb your hair.....if you want to" A soft 'Ve' sound left the other italian as he happliy skipped away.

(Y/N) turned towards her new boyfriend and pecked his lips before sharply snapping her hips down and her rythm from before was back. And so was Romanos groans and moans.

When they again where near their releas, they pulled apart from eachother and kissed in a loving manner.

Romano came with a loud groan and his load was shot on his tan stomach, while (Y/N) released on top of him (sound disgusting to me~ but i know nothing of the female body, yet i am one~).

When both came down from their high , they crawled under the covers and before any of them could fall asleep they shared a goodnight kiss before whispering sweetly to eachother:

"I love you" in union.

(Y/N) had had a crush on the south italian for a week before she realist she was actualyl in love , so (Y/N) being (Y/N) and (Y/N) being a slight tsundere, she hid her feelings. intil now ofcourse~

Also, Feli never got his hair combed, after all, ~

the end

Sub!South Italy/romano x Dom!Female!Japanese!blunt! Reader (one-shot)Where stories live. Discover now