Long Road Home

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I sighed as she checked my phone for the third time in the last ten minutes. Waiting for my results from the NCLEX was stressful enough, without adding in waiting to hear back from my long distance boyfriend. 

Finally, my phone buzzes.

"Hey hon, sorry I've been busy with my platoon today," David's reply says. 

I grumble under my breath and text back a quick reply.

 "Simba," I yell as I grab my American Bully's leash, "Let's go buddy."

I open the tailgate of my Jeep and watch Simba jump up into the back. Taking the back seats out of my white, 2-door Jeep Wrangler, was the best idea with my beast of a dog. He weighs 124 lbs now and he's not even a year and a half yet. Clipping his harness onto the bracket where the seat used to be, I make him sit and shut the tailgate. I wish it was warm enough to take the top all the way off but the freedom panels will have to do for now. 

Simba is my baby, I got him as a gift from my boyfriend David when I decided to move out of my parents house. He is really my dream dog. So big and so gentle. He was just what I needed after my first dog passed away. It also helps that he is stuck to my side like glue. 

I turned up my music as I shifted into reverse and backed out of my driveway. I decided to head over to my parents house and see what my little brother was up to. After thirty minutes of driving, I head inside with Simba by my side. 

"Kase," I yell as I waltz through the front door. My mom had never asked for the key back so I didn't voluntarily give it back.

"Uhh...yeah Dani," my little, big brother questions. 

He was a good looking kid. Tall and muscled from soccer, with green eyes, and sandy blonde hair. Yes, he was a total tool and kind of a player. Truthfully, I thought with so many females, he would have learned better, but I guess not. 

He looked very similar to me. Except, I missed the tall part. Where he was 6'2, I was 5'3. Our dad was tall and our mom was short. Our sister looked like our dad so she always felt like the oddball out. Dad was tall, pale, and had brown hair and brown eyes. Where Kase and I were tan and blonde, she was pale and brunette. 

Kase and I were close. Our sister Hannah was the complete opposite of us growing up. It was no surprise to us when she took off across the country to go to college with her boyfriend after she graduated high school three years ago. Mom and dad were upset but they always knew she had to "spread her wings."

"Yeah, I just wanted to see what you were doing on this lovely Thursday morning," I said. 

"I was just thinking about hitting the gym. I actually was going to call and see if you maybe wanted to go and lift with me today," He hinted around. 

"Yeah dude, lets go lift."

"Sweet, I will text mom and let her know I'm leaving. We going to Powerhouse?"

I shook my head as I checked my phone again. Taking Simba back out to the Jeep, I get ready to head out and wait for Kase to come out. He slides in and Simba whimpers so he can get attention. 

"So," Kase looks at me expectantly. 

"I still haven't heard anything back about my results, not even on the state board site."

"Damn, I was hoping you'd have results now. So have you been on any interviews yet," he asks as he types on his phone.

"I actually got offered a job at the children's hospital."

I hold my breath and look over at my brother. He lights up for me. He knew how badly I wanted to get into a NICU, although I only got offered a spot in a mom/baby unit, it's still a start. I just hadn't told my family that it was out of state. I decided to test for my multistate license and applied for a job in San Antonio. 

"Dude, I am so happy for you." 

He beams and then starts sighing. 

"How are things with you and David? I know you guys have had it rough since you got done with school."

"You know, I don't know. I want him to be here but sometimes I'm glad that he isn't here. I want to live with him but sometimes I like that we are so far. It's confusing."

"When does he come home next?"

"He said hes trying to make it by the end of the summer," I sigh and decide to tell him about the job, "So the job that I got..."


"It's in San Antonio......"

He looks over at me and nods his head. 

"Well that gives me somewhere to go on spring break I suppose."

I laugh and he joins in. 

We pull up to our warehouse gym. I had hunted for a dog friendly warehouse gym in our area forever. The midwest does not have a lot though. Powerhouse is super cool and chill. Everyone loves Simba and I. 

I really miss David on days like this. I am stressing about my tests and I just miss being with him. We have had our issues and I think growing up together probably helped us become so close. We always worked through our issues though, he was always someone I could depend on. 

While Kase and I head in to the gym and into the locker rooms, I decided to send a quick text off to David about how much I missed him. We haven't been getting along lately and I think it's because we are so far away from each other. It truly is hard being away from him and not being able to communicate a lot. I know that he always wanted to go into the army and although he had went to college, he still decided to commission. I was there and I was so happy he was following his dream. I still had another year of nursing school and stayed here and finished my program. Now he is in Hawaii and I'm in Indiana. 

I head back out to the gym and put in my headphones as I throw some weight on the barbell. Nodding my head at Kase, we both zone out and throw some weight around. 

Hopefully by the time we leave, I will hear back from Davey. 

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Hi everyone! This is my first book I have put on wattpad and I am super excited for it. I wrote a story similar to this in a creative writing class in high school but I wanted to expand on what I wrote then. I hope you all like the first chapter! 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2019 ⏰

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