No One's There When you Need Them to Be

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'You know you need us' 'your nothing without us, we control you' 'just let us in' " No No, NO" I scream thrashing in my bed, I wake up and of course no one's there for me no one ever is, not when Im like this with my claws and canines. If the servants were to be here, Id be executed by my own uncle...I thrash and stumble,finally finding comfort when I open my eyes and am sucked back into reality, I look around hoping someone is there, but as usual, it's only me and the voices in my head. After so many incidents, of me losing control over my uncanny abilities, resulting in many deaths, I now sleep in a secluded wing of the castle altogether, 'a present to our beautiful princess' is what my uncle and auntie brandished it as. But I knew the truth, and I'm still surprised that the guards don't find it suspicious that no one is assigned to guarding me and my wing, their princess. But then again they don't find it weird that I'm not allowed past the castle walls even though Im by no means the heir,although I have every right to be so. Ever since my parents have died, my uncle has made it very clear where I stand, and the fact that I'm a prisoner in my own kingdom, seems like nothing of a stretch if that wretched being could kill my kind and fair parents in cold blood.

My mother had always been there for me, my father as well, but I was the closest to Brooklyn, my cousin, younger by 4yrs and some months, but she understood me, no one but my uncle, auntie and Brooke knew about my demonic powers, not even Annie, Brooke's little sister knows. But knowing secrets, especially royal ones, only gets you killed in my world, look where it got my loving parents, the brightest Lights of Endodom, extinguished because of one single, secret. My Secret. You see the Rose bloodline was known throughout the land not for keeping the bloodline pure, oh no anything but that, but because, somewhere along the line, my ancestors had married and mated with every kind of Wielder, Illusionist and Blueblood. Making each heir or ruler more powerful than the last. And my mother had been the very strongest and married my father, an unearther. Surprisingly, instead of my mum's clear grey eyes, or my father's bright green I had the eyes of a Master Shifter, a master shifter was a shifter with much more power and control over his or her transformations. 

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