The Finding (The Other Mysticons)

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Arkayna's POV
It's Been Days we are searching for Quinn & Zarya. Malveron still searching with the Other Astromancers while Me, Em and Piper had to finish Some other mission. Dreadmane is still searching for the Codex Book but it was with Quinn All along. But Piper seems sad because there's no Zarya & Quinn, They're both her best friend, feels like sisters for her. As for me, it's feels different.

Arkayna: any Spells?

Malveron: Yep, I found it! All we need is the DNAs! And I found the spell.

Arkayna: what is the spell?

Malveron: we can't directly go to the person but we spectate the person.

Piper: is it like watching?

Malveron: ok get something that related from Zarya and Quinn

Em: Got the stuff

Malveron: surround the things spectate!

And then we saw Zarya and Quinn In earth but in a different Era, but what era?

Mysticons X Quinn Kittie X Httyd Crossover Adventures Where stories live. Discover now