Justin Huang (Huang Minghao)
Birthday- February 19, 2002
- ChengCheng's best friend
- hang out w/ the yuehua squad
- have a crush on Lonnie
- really rich afBi Wenjun
Birthday- November 21, 1997
- Justin's other best friend
- really tall af
- really good at yoyos
- good at singingDing Zeren
Birthday- November 19, 1999
- friends with both Justin and Lonnie
- really good at dancing
- really short af
- hangs out with Lonnie more than JustinZhu Zhengting
Birthday- March 18, 1996
- a mom to everyone
- a great dancer
- very childish
- have a crush on Cai XukunFan ChengCheng
Birthday- June 16, 2000
- Justin's best friend
- a meme
- loves to eat food
- another really rich afHuang Xinchun
Birthday- May 14, 1998
- an overprotective brother
- Lonnie's older brother
- another really rich person
- loves minionsLi Quanzhe
Birthday- January 22, 2001
- Lonnie's best best friend
- loves hamsters
- hangs out with her more than Justin
- loves to take picturesHuang Lihua (Lonnie)
Birthday- December 25, 2002
- Xinchun's younger sister
- barely get calls by her real name
- really popular
- another really rich personChengxiao
Birthday- July 15, 1998
- Lonnie's best friend
- have a crush on Xinchun
- dances really good
- really smartZhou Jieqiong
Birthday- December 16, 1998
- Lonnie's other best friend
- have a crush on Wenjun
- talks a lot
- can play a lute
And other characters will appears in the story
First Chance
FanfictionJustin have three chances to get a girl name Lonnie to be his 1/3 chances