"Excuse me, but do you mind if I sit here," the boy who my father pointed out earlier speaks. His pale blonde hair appears uncombed, a stark contrast to his clothing. Though he has yet to change into his robes his muggle is still something to stare at. He looks like something out of the Victorian era more than a 21st century muggle. His white button down shirt is expertly ironed and the dress pants are perfectly coupled with a matching coat. He seems to notice my hesitation because he speaks again.
"I would not ask to sit here if not all the compartments but this one were full." His words are not hateful but instead weary. I nod once and he sits on the bench across from me. I twist my head so I don't have to look at him. Outside of the train the countryside rushes by quickly. I close my eyes feeling the queasy feeling that I get during traveling. My stomach tosses and turns and I beg that I don't humiliate myself in front of him.
"My father said you look just like your mother," he speaks suddenly.
"Coming from your father it must be an insult!" I snap back.
He hesitates for a second before uttering one word.
"No?" I gasp annoyed. "Draco Malfoy has called my mother to her face a mudblood more times than I can count on both hands and feet! Do you even know the man you call father?"
"Rose look at me!" His words are sudden. "Why won't you look at me? You don't acknowledge me except to respond in a rude way. Rose, I know that what my father did to your mother I most likely deserve this. Why I don't even know why I tried!" I turn my head slightly peering at him.
"Rose if there is one thing I could change about myself it is being a Malfoy." He says finally before standing up to leave the compartment. "You know, my father has never since used the term mudblood. He only spoke of your mother in the highest way possible. I would go as far as to say he worshiped her. "
He shut the compartment door behind him.
"Scorpious..." I whisper.
"Ah there you are! We looked all over the train for you! You should have seen the look on Scorpious's face, it seems someone got to him before we did!" James Potter laughs loudly. Ever stands behind him her blonde hair kept back in a loose ponytail, a copy of the newest quibbler edition in her hand.
"Apparently Luna took Ever wakspurt hunting last week," James scoffs.
Ever punches him lightly in the shoulder. "Remember my mom believes in them!"
I stand up carefully and make my way to the compartment doorway. "Excuse me, I'm going to use the restroom," I say rushing out the compartment door. I don't make it all the way to the restroom before my breakfast comes up. I huddle on the ground fighting to keep as much down as possible.
"Rose!" Scorpious's voice is a quiet gasp in the empty hallway.
Of course it's him. My face burns red. He carefully pulls my hair away from my face and lifts me into his arms. I'm embarrassed, as I know I'm ruining his suit.
"Rose, Rose, Rose," he whispers. "What's wrong?"
"Non-magical folk call it motion sickness," I manage to gasp out. I whimper as the train shakes beneath me.
He carries into the restroom and sits me on the sink. He runs warm water through my hair carefully unknotting it and cleansing it of vomit.
"Stay here a moment, I'll be right back," he speaks gently.
I'm embarrassed that he has shown me such kindness after my outburst on his father.
"Here you go Rose. I'm sorry that I don't have a change of clothes other than your robes but this will have to do for now," he says an apologetic look on his face.