Dearly Beloved,
I am truly lost without you.
I find myself seldom and used.
I turn, your not there... i look, your not there. Where... just...where are you?
I ask dearest mother moon to see you, to feel you at least give me an idea of where you are, who you are, are you doing well?
But alas too far away to hear my cries, my pleads, my... Pray. Where, where should i go, witch way is the right way to you.
I still have hope, have dream, have need to be with you... how i hate it, this child like endiervor of finding you, seeing love, being unconditionally loved... its killing me, its hurting me.
Please, please don't look.
Stitch me up, patch it up.
Do not let life see you cry, forever i am its toy, torn by its tauting innocent play.
Rip me up, so much so that the someone just for me cannot find me.. and then just sow me up gain, until i am no longer here, until life is bored with me.
-forever yours, Loveless