Levi x Reader - Ich Kann es Halten

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There was nothing but silence. Not a peaceful or serene silence though, one that would simply express content. No, this silence was melancholy, one that cast a shadow on darkness itself. It was silent, because words couldn't express a single feeling right now. This feeling had hit him before, and it was sure to hit him again many more times, but the pain was still caustic. No words had been exchanged since he heard the news. His entire squad was dead, and he placed all of the blame on no one but himself. And once again, there would be silence before you were left there to pick up the pieces like every time before.

A muscular back leaned against the cold gray stones of the room, his somber eyes never leaving the door. Sweat dampened locks of hair pressed into the side of his stinging face. His calloused fingers lightly pressed into the ground with an expression that remained indifferent. He wanted to feel something. Anything. His mind loomed over the events that happened just hours ago, scarring him for life. The feeling of normality in this life seemed to be thrown out the window with the passing of his friends. You stood facing him, arms crossed under your bust. Granted, you were saddened by the loss of your friends and colleagues too, but Levi was in that state of utter stiffness, caught between blank thoughts and a mind full of regrets. 

You sighed heavily, looking at him in this state.

"How long are you just going to stay like this?"

"As long as I fucking want to."

"...Levi, this isn't-"

"Shut your fucking mouth. This is the last fucking thing I need from you right now. You just don't know when to stop do you?!"

His words were spikes of an iron maiden, sinking painfully into your body. This was a side of Levi you'd had yet to see. Sure, he could be an asshole, but this behavior was next level cruelty. How to take this burden off his shoulders, you didn't know. But if you didn't somehow find a way to relieve him of his troubles, you were sure to just be nothing more than a punching bag for the raven haired man.

Silence. Now one of discomfort.

You sighed heavily, not exactly sure how to continue after his little spat at you.

"...Please don't blame yourself. There are a lot of things that contributed to the loss of your squad, not just your commands alone."

"Whatever you say to me won't being them back (first). I know you're just trying to be empathetic or some shit, but you don't under-"

"Levi, don't act like people I care about haven't died!! How dare you make such an accusation! I may not have lost an entire squad but I've been through hell and back, you know that better than anyone."

Levi reflected on his words carefully, a sharp exhale escaping his nose. He still sat there on the ground, but his eyes had fixed themselves on the floor in front of him. Maybe, possibly, you had a small chance of being right for once. The stab in his heart right now was indicating that he should listen to you. Perhaps he should put himself in the palm of your hand, and let you hold him while he couldn't even hold himself. Even if he were a stone in your hand,  he was going to let you hold him.

Levi x Reader - Ich Kann es HaltenWhere stories live. Discover now