Dance for You

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Dance For You

Zayn's POV

Our room was thick with smoke.

We had just come back from a road trip with our three best friends, Liam, Louis, and Niall.

We had been best friends since year 3, when Niall came over from Ireland because of a messy divorce between his mum and dad. The first day of year 3 he came in, bright blue eyes and a smile as wide as the ocean, and immediately everyone was drawn to this boy, me included.

After three school years had passed most people move on from the Irish lad except for myself, Liam, Louis, Josh, and a curly haired kid named Harry. We had grown as close as brothers in that time. Fights and all, and believe me when I say we had our fair share of fights.

As I mentioned, I love the boys with all my heart but when you are on a road trip with three other boys there is hardly any privacy or time alone with your boyfriend.

Yes, I said it. Boyfriend. I have known I was gay since year 4, and believe it or not my first crush was Niall. But, how could it not be. Niall was positively amazing. Even with his family going through what they were, a smile remained on his face and he brought a certain level of joy to those around him. The crush lasted for two years.

He isn't the person I am talking about though. My boyfriend almost wasn't my boyfriend. We hated each other for the better part of 5 years. The only reason we even tolerated each other was because of Niall. And coincidentally the only reason my boyfriend hated me was because of Niall. As he explained once we finally got together, he disliked Niall because he had my affection, and that dislike towards Niall grew to a disdain towards me as well. Although once my infatuation with Niall was over we didn't magically get together over night. No. That took planning, and spy-like skills from the rest of our friends. It took the entire year 6 for me to finally catch on, and when I did I couldn't have been happier. You see my boyfriend, of the past 10 years, is none other than The Harry Styles. We have had our ups and downs, and the start of our relationship was, indeed, rocky, but I've loved every minute of it.

Now Harry and I are back at our shared flat that we moved into during our second year of University. Our suitcases are still by the front door while Harry and I lay tangled on the bed in our room. The burned out spliff we shared was sitting in the ashtray by the windowsill. The lazy grins on our faces widened as time went by. The silence around us was both calming and off-putting seeing as we had spent the last two month surrounded by constant noise.

With it being the first night back in months, I wanted to do something more than lay around and light up. I searched my brain for something simple as we were slightly exhausted and it was a bit late. After less than a minute of light thinking I remembered something.

While on the road with the boys we all chatted about things we would like in the bed room. Seeing as all of us are gay, or bisexual in Liam's case, it wasn't an awkward or taboo topic. Majority of us wouldn't mind dressing up in women's clothing, or have someone do it for us. That was out of the question for now because we had no materials. The next thing we discussed was strip teasing/lap dances. Now that, I could do.

With my mind set on what I was about to do I got up, feeling Harry's stare lingering on me, and left the room quickly.

"What are you doing babe?" I heard Harry drawl from the room.

"Just getting something from my case I'll be right back." I said loud enough for him to hear.

Reaching my suitcase I dug through the outer pockets in search of my iPod. Once in my hand I walked back toward the bedroom. Once in the room I saw Harry sitting up on the bed.

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