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Chapter 1: Two
Out for the night. Leo's at Janelle's, Bree at slumber party. Sandwiches are in fridge. xx

"Yes," Chase grinned ecstatically as he read, pumping his arm and gleefully leaping around the kitchen. Time to himself was rare- usually there was at least one other person at home with him. No privacy at all in this house, so tonight he would treat with the ultimate joy.

Then his eyes fell upon the note once more.

Did Adam leave, too?

"Sup, Chase," he burped, entering the kitchen as if on cue. "Miss me?"

Chase nearly choked with anger. Great, so Adam was home as well? Why didn't he go off to the bowling alley or something? Now his perfect night would be filled with useless, random questions on how to operate a pencil sharpener or how to use a radio or something like that. Adam was usually one to count on for that sort of thing.

"I thought you'd be out, too!" Chase admitted, slumping down on the couch. "It's just us for the night, Adam. Everyone else is out."

The ends of Adam's mouth curved up in a smile. "For real? That means a marathon of video games and snacks!"

Chase began to see this in a new light- Adam was persuasive, if not much else. "Hey, you're right. I guess it could be pretty fun, just us, the X-Box, and a bunch of popcorn."

Adam cocked an eyebrow, leaping over to the couch. "You set it up first!"

For hours, Chase and Adam did nothing but stare at the screen mindlessly, once in a while cracking a joke or voicing their complaints about some virtual guy on their team, but not much else. At one point there was popcorn, quickly devoured by Adam. He reached into the bowl for another handful, but felt only plastic...

"Chase, it ran out," he said gruffly. "Go make some more."

Chase shrugged, pausing the game and hopping up to the microwave. He didn't blame Adam for not knowing how, it was in his nature. When Adam swaggered past him to the bathroom, he didn't think much of it until he got back to the couch, and he still wasn't there.


His voice echoed softly around the house. Chase furrowed his brow, suddenly overcome with images of Adam getting stuck in the cabinet or something in the bathroom. Did he stick his finger up a pipe? Dashing to the restroom, he was just about to knock when he heard... a whimper.

A whimper of pain?!



Some very familiar and embarrassing sounds alerted Chase that he should probably vamoose. Scooting towards the couch, he called to him awkwardly, "Um, whenever you're ready, big guy."

A couple seconds later, the bathroom door flew open and Adam emerged, looking sweaty and pained. The first thing Chase noticed was his lack of clothing- he still wore the brick red wife-beater he was wearing before, but his jeans were gone, replaced by some tight black briefs. Adam strode to the couch, black hair bristling, and... and he started grinding onto the sofa arm.

"Chase, can you help me?" Adam whimpered, gyrating his hips. A bead of sweat rolled down his ruddy cheek.

Chase's eyes were huge with surprise, fear, and ultimate confusion. "Adam! That is so... wrong." His eyes fell upon the black briefs, which were concealing a terribly large bump.

Adam hissed, his hips picking up speed. "Come on, Chase. We're not related by blood or anything, I don't think, and it's okay to be gay." He stopped his movements for a split second, as if considering something, before returning. "Well, I'm not, of course, but if you are, that's cool with me."

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