It all began....

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Everything was wrong, when I got home my little sister didn't greet me and my older brother wasn't fighting with my dad. My nostrils were filled with a disgusting scent. It smelled like rust and mud. It didn't take long for me to figure out that it smelled like Death. Tears dripped from my eyes. Sasha? Gregg? Dad? Did dad slaughter them like he had done with mom? I grabbed as many clothes as I could fit into my backpack, a switchblade , my brothers shoes and skateboard, and my little sisters dolls. Along with my phone, a bunch of money, and my phones charger. (Lol forgot to add this you also took your headphones with) I ran out of the house and into the forest behind it I kept running. My dad had just killed my siblings. I choked, first he kills mom, then rapes me, and then to top off the whole fiasco he kills his children? I was sick. If I had been earlier I could have saved them it was my fault! ALL MY FAULT!
" SASHA! GREGG! WHY?? why.." I screamed into the woods.
The sound of footsteps made their way towards me.
"Sweetheart! I found you!" That very voice made my heart break....Dad.
"You sick bastard!" I cried, "You killed them!"
I pulled out my switchblade and ran towards Dad. I stabbed him in the throat and cut down. I....I just killed my dad....I was just as bad as him....his smell disgusted me but also smelled good....I walked closer to him and reached inside to grab his heart. I extracted my hand and took a bite into the fresh organ. More footsteps approached and the sound of static could be heard.
"I swear I heard a scream!" A voice said
"It was probably nothing!" Another voice said, a bit gruffer this time.
"Child, look." I heard a third voice said, I turned around and saw a pasty white man with a smile carved on his face, a little girl with blood streaming down her, and a bleached stick.
"Um...hi?" I said shyly, I grabbed my knife and walked over to them. "If you're going to kill me just make it quick, but let me finish his heart,please and thank you" I took another bite of my father heart.
"We aren't going to kill you will you ple-" The bleached stick began to say before he was cut off.
"You eat hearts!?!?!?!" The smile guy said
"Jeff! Slendys trying to say something!" The little girl said
"Sorry Sals.." Jeff said
"As I was saying please come with us.." Slendy said
"Hmmm ......ok!" I say
The three look at me stunned but continue to walk to god knows where. I start singing random words.
"If all love ends up in heart break let this time last a little longer
I need you to be with me when skies are stormy and grey.
I need you to hold my hand when I have a bad day. To sing me songs and tell me stories, I need you to be by my side to wake me up and make me laugh"
By the time we had finished walking we stood in front of a giant mansion. Bleached stick opened the doors.
"Everyone down to the kitchen. We had a new CreepyPasta,
Her name is - I never got you're name actually.." The tree said.
"Melody" I say
"Ok her name is Melody, Melody meet Sally, Jeff the killer, Jane the killer, Nina the Killer, Smile dog, Clockwork, Masky, Hoody, Lazari, Glitchy Red, Ticci Toby, Dr. Smiley, Lost Silver, Trenderman, Splenderman , and Offenderman"
One of the Slenderman look alike turned around so fast he spilled water all over my shirt.
"Oops sorry I guess.." The trench coat guy said
"Ehh no problem." I say, I pull my shirt over my head, leaving me in only my bra, shoe, and leggings. One boy got to to close so I stabbed him in the cheek.
"Ow fuck you!" He said
I grabbed my ass and twirled it around "I know you wanna!" I shot him a quick wink. He backed up and turned red.

Hehe the end is near MWAHAHAHA!

I looked at Slendy. "Can we please leave?"
"Sure, Jane show Melody to an empty room please!" Slendy said
"Ya, whatever" She mumbled
I followed her up the stairs and into an empty room.
"Thanks see you later" I say
"How about we see each other...never?" She turned around and locked the door. I pounded on the door with no success. I looked around the room, until I found a window
"Aha" I say. I open the window and pray for my life. "Here goes nothing" I gulp and and jump out the window. series hope you like it! 828 words were used! Bye!!!!

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