When Hell Came To Visit

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3 years ago, they told me that I was crazy. I believed that the only person that was crazy was Doctor Monez; head of the mental institution. everyday he would pump me with fifteen different drugs to try to fix my 'mental health' but all that did was weaken my body so I couldnt fight the demon inside of me.

My name is Hayley and when I was 16, I believed that I had a demon try to take over my entire body. it was like the feeling of sheer fear wrapped up in hell itself. I had tried to......well the demon had attempted to murder Michael.

Michael was 17 at the time and he was also my boyfriend. He was tall and tan with short dark brown hair. his eyes looked like blue diamonds, strong yet truthful and delicate.

I know that 3 years ago on February 12th, i had hell come to visit me in my sleep. i will take you back to the scene where it all started.......

February 12th, 11:30 Pm, Thursday

As i slowly started to wake from my deep sleep, i felt a little uneasy. Something wasn't quite right. My head was slightly tilted to the left into the soft, warm pillow. I had my eyes almost opened fully when i decided to rub my eyelids with my fingertips. It was at that moment when i felt an icy chill brush over my face and hands.

This made my eyes open wide and at a first glimpse of my bedroom, i thought i was safe. nothing but darkness......only normal,right?...... Wrong! I blinked. The next sight made my spine tingle and i was absolutely and undoubtedly petrified. Darkness had still filled my room, but a dark, human- like silhouette was floating above my face and body.

I immediately got a ferocious headache but i kept my eyes fixed on this terrifying shape that was hovering above me. I noticed that it started to move. My headache got 5 times worse than before and then i realised that this shape of evil was entering my body.

i tried everything that i could to stop it from entering, but it was too late...... I had been possessed!

My body felt as though it was engulfed with fear, rage and immense pain. it was like every part of me had been eaten and spat out into the abis of what most people would call hell. My heart had started beating faster than ever before, although i noticed that about every 30 second it would slow right down for about 5 seconds and then speed up again. sweat had poured down my unmanagebly enraged face and i felt like i could be my own sauna.

Chapter 2

Doctor Monez

I can't believe that the head office of the mental institution believed that I was a doctor. My whole plan is coming together...

My real name is Ikeki and since the "accident," my brain has never been the same. This is all because of Hayley's father, Heath. He was a scientific neurologist, studying different patterns of people with slightly damaged brains.

I happened to be his only candidate and I had been put through more tests than a cat could endure. My life was long and painful because of science. Honestly, why try to fix the broken if the broken will be tortured further, through attempting to fix them? It just doesn't compute with me...

I had thought that I was destined for great things in this world before the "accident." The only reason that I am who I am today is because of that good for nothing scientific no- olegist. That ass destroyed my life and everything that I believed in.

The only reason I was eligible for heath's studies is because I have a small and very hard to get to tumour on my brain. It happens to be the reason why I am so angry most of the time as the tumour is growing on my amygdala, where all emotions and reactions are processed.

chapter 3


It was February Friday the thirteenth when i was sitting on the couch watching movies and eating popcorn. i felt safe in my huge house that i have owned for 2 years now.

i hadnt seen my daughter for the whole day but i was sure that she was being a usual teenager and found any old reason to go out and party

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2013 ⏰

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