Chapter One

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"I have fought so many deadly battles in the great war of Pewdiepie Vs T-Series" Barry's father explained. "We were strong, they were strong, it was a really tough time. i still have got no clue how did i survive it. we risked and sacrificed so much to keep Felix on his throne, and now...." He stopped talking as tears started to stream down his cheecks.

"It's ok dad" Barry said. "I promise you, we will rise again as 9 year olds and kick T-Series in the butt".

"There is no 9 year olds now, Barry. try to understand that".

"We do exist dad, we really do. I'll end T-Series i promise".

His dad finally lost it. "you and what army?".

barry doesn't know what to say. suddenly his phone buzzes, he looks up at it and says that he has to go.

*2:45 PM* Downtown

Barry is walking in the busy streets of the city. It's very crowded, people are shouting to get their stuff sold. T-Police are everywhere, watching everyone like nightmares. They're fast and they got a strong sense of sight. as barry is walking around he thinks about this dark time they are in. nobody is really happy, maybe they are just pretending, or maybe they just wanna live. but they are not happy. as he reaches a narrow dark road that leads to a dead end. he turns around and starts walking there very slowly, it's very dark and creepy. he could hear footsteps. suddenly someone in a black mask grabs him from behind, starts strangling him and puts a knife on his throat. Barry starts screaming. "It's me man, it's me".

the masked guy finally lets go of him "crap, i'm so sorry"

"damn brother, you almost chocked me"

"i said i'm sorry ok? i thought you were a T-Police or something"

"anyways, did you get it?"

"of course i did, fam. do you have the money?"

"yes" barry hands a bunch of paper money to the guy.

He takes it from barry. "Remember, i didn't give you nothing"

"you did not, just give me the damn key".

The guy takes a flash memory from his pocket and hands it to barry. that's when they see a T-police from the outside of the narrow road. the guy whispers to barry. "Barry, we need to run".

They both start running and the police runs after them. they both keep looking back at the police and he is getting closer anytime they turn around. suddenly there is nothing but wall. "IT IS A DEAD END BARRY. DEAD END" The guys screams. the police is running faster and faster.

"look, i got an idea. open your hands." the guys says.


"open your fucking hands barry and push me up. i'll pull you then".

"guess i have no other choice". barry opens both of his hands and holds them up. the guys climbs Barry's hands and then climbs the backstairs of a building. "Ok now pull me up" barry holds his hands up waiting for the guy to pull him up.

"sorry fam, it's kinda too late. Enjoy a few months of prison" and the guy runs.


but the guy is already too far to hear anything he said. barry starts shaking. "what should i do, what should i do". the police is very near. he is holding a taser. he swings his hands and is so ready to taser barry. suddenly the police is knocked out. as he falls down barry sees a frisbee returning to a man wearing a ninja-like cloak. "HANS" Barry shouts.

"Barry" Hans says calmly.

Barry runs to him. "Hans bro, thank you for saving my life".

"Shhh" Hans hushes Barry. "Don't say the B-word here. this place is Armed with twitchy cameras. and that's how the T-Police saw you".

"Oh yeah you're right".

"why are you here anyways".

"well ahhh" takes out a key from his pocket.

"lemme Guess.... Memes? Again?".

Both let go of a little smirk.

(Thank you all for reading this chapter. new parts are coming. everyday one chapter. there are a lot of crazy shit that'll happen in the next chapters. the 9 year olds unite. they go on a mission to find the king himself. Pewdiepie. Stay Tuned).

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2019 ⏰

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