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"Randy, I'm done! I just.. I can't keep doing this shit!"

Her voice echoed through the room as she picked up her suitcase and began to walk towards the door. Just as she was about to twist the doorknob, a hand large tan hand slammed against the door, making it impossible for her to leave. Cassandra turned her head to try to free her nose from the fowl stench of alcohol that had consumed her now ex-boyfriend, Randy Orton.

"You're not going anywhere.. I need you, Cas. I love you too much to let you go.. Now, go unpack your shit and sit your ass down." His voice was low and sinister, his breath dripping with alocohol. He was clearly drunk. She glared over at the drunken man that she loved. Many thoughts raced through her head but the main thought was leaving and how she could leave without pissing him off.

"You know, you're right, Randy. I'm just being stupid. You should go take a shower and relax while I unpack my things, okay?" She asked, forcing a smile on her face as she felt lips crash down onto hers, a disgusted feeling washing over her body. She knew what he wanted from the hungry and lust filled kiss that Randal had placed on her lips. But she wasn't going to give in.. Not this time.

"Go get take a shower, dear.." Her voice trailing off. "I'll be waiting for you when you come out." A smirk took over Randy's lips before he nodded and walked into the bathroom. Cassy leaned against the door, her eyes closed as she sighed softly. Soon, she heard the water in the bathroom, knowing this was her chance. She carefully twisted the doorknob, sneaking out the room with her belongings in hand. She quietly made her way through the house that they shared, careful to not make any noise. Once she made it to the front door, she sighed, turning around taking one last look at their house and her old life.

It's was time for her to start over.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2014 ⏰

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