Part 1

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They all walk into the house, floors creaking, dust everywhere

Jane- Ugh it's gross in here

Tyler- *twirls around* It's cool in here! I wonder if there'll be any spirits *wiggles fingers*

Lee- *inspects an old lamp* I wonder if the electricity works *turns on lamp and nods approvingly* it does

Tyler- yay! Let's go explore!

Jane/Lee: *hesitantly follows Tyler*

Jane-are you sure you know where you're going?

Tyler- Nope!
Lee-*groans* Maybe I should follow the way

Jane- I agree

Tyler- *pouts* fine you guys go your way and I'll go mine!

Lee- But you'll get lost

Tyler- no I won't!

Jane- remember when you got lost at the airport?

Tyler-*groans* yeah yeah that was one time! *holds up one finger*

Lee- AND you got lost at Walmart?

Tyler- Whatever, i'll be fine, now I'm going upstairs *runs upstairs giggling*

Lee: *groans and rolls eyes*

Jane- should we go with her?

Lee- nah she'll be fine on her own, her fault if she gets lost

Jane- *shrugs* ok

Tyler- *skips around upstairs yelling* Ghosty ghosty! Come out come out wherever you are!! *Walks into dark room and the lights flicker* woaahh cool! *squeals*

Jane/Lee- *wandering around and finds a large ballroom, with a dusty black piano*

The piano the starts playing on it's own. Lee and Jane just stare as the keys are pressed down by an invisible force. Jane cautiously walks toward it, sitting down and pressing the keys that the piano is playing, eventually she invisible force is making her play

Jane- help! I can't stop!

Lee- take your fingers off the keys

Jane- I can't! I'm trying!

Lee- *struggles to pull Jane's fingers off the keys but eventually manages to do so*

Jane- *sighs in relief* that was weird

Lee- ya think?

Tyler walks farther into the room

Tyler- Ghosty?

Suddenly a cold wind blows through the room, she checks the windows, they're all closed, she checks for vents, there are none. She shivers in the cold.

Tyler- I wish I brought a jacket

A portentous voice echoes in the dark room

Unknown voice- Too cold for thy weak being?

Tyler looks around confused

Unknown voice- *laughs* Why art thou in my home?

Tyler- are you a spirit?! This is your home? You're the previous owner? Hi! I hope we can be friends!

Unknown voice- thou is very posterity

Tyler- *giggles* Thank you!

Unknown voice-....well I am going to have to kill you for trespassing, peasant!

Tyler feels a sudden pain in her back

Lee and Jane hear a sudden scream from upstairs and both look at each other worried and say in unison "Tyler" they rush upstairs and look in every room until they find Tyler, hanging from the ceiling by her organs, which have been pulled from her body, a smile carved into her face, eyes scooped out from her sockets, with her fingers and toes shoved into her eyes, nose, ears and mouth, hair pulled from her scalp and words carved into her skin 'Peasant'. They scream and turn toward the door, but the door slams shut and locks. The unknown creature that had killed Tyler earlier starts laughing, making the lights flicker like crazy. "You shall face the consequences."

Jane gets knocked down and Lee calls out to her but her voice gets swallowed up by the wind. Jane then flies up to the ceiling and bursts into flames. Everything calms down and Lee tries the door again, it opens and she runs.

Lee- I need to get out of here

She is so freaked out and in denial, she can't process anything, so when the lights flicker down the hall in which she's running. She doesn't notice until it's too late. She runs into the ballroom and the chandelier falls, pinning her to the ground. Still conscious, but barely, she manages to look up to find bodies, so many, crowding around her. "Face the consequences" they say in unison, staring at her with their dead eyes. The last thing Lee sees before her vision goes dark, is her friends standing in the front of the crowd, dead and lifeless.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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