A usual day, alarm buzzed and I thought to myself should I or should I not hit the snooze button ? My thoughts continued , should I or should I not think about hitting the snooze button ? I laid there still,very still.
Should I or should I not keep myself so silent in the mornings?
Suddenly, my introspection reported me that I am thinking way too much . And again a question arose, should I or should I not think profusely ? I turned to a side of the bed and asked should I or should I not turn ? Yesterday was a pretty bad day , the unwanted moments just lingered in my thoughts.But then again , should I or should I not think about that ? Should I or should I not tolerate such nonsense of people around me ? Should I or should I not be part of everything that is fun ?
And along the line , I lost myself drifting from shore to shore with the flow of water .
Often we get into these conversations with ourselves. But when you do have them , we find plenty of reasons to weigh on each side.
Talking to yourself is never easy , but take care while you talk to yourself , because you are listening.
Last but not the least , next time when you ask yourself should I or should I not, congratulate yourself. The reason is the battle is you Vs you, and you were brave enough to ask yourself , to face nobody else but you, because the battles you win against yourself adds victory to you as well as defeat of you. These are the moments worth living for.- Shweta.Karmalkar
Should I or should I not ?
RandomStruggle that often gets a voice of its own . A talk with yourself ,not sure of where to weigh from either of the sides.