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IMPORTANT. Look at the people I'm following and you'll see my new account were I plan on writing the new and improved version of this story. The account is called nateG_5

Authors note- hello, this is my first fanfiction, and I hope you like it. Plz look at the picture shown above, as they are important to the story. I don't own anything
Percy POV

It's so gods damn cold. And it snows all the time. And it's always white. And it's cold. Did I mention how cold it was?
These were the only thoughts going through my head as I trudged threw the Alaska Mountains. I was on a quest, investigating monster activity around the area. It sucked. Every now and then I would get a glimpse of the group I was tracking, and then they would disappear from sight, going over the next mountain. That was of course, until the avalanche. Call it fate, or just blind, dumb luck, but as I came over a small mountain, I could see what remained of the monster camp at the base of a glacier, covered in snow and ice. That wasn't all I saw. Leading up the glacier, there seemed to be some sort of staircase. And as I got closer, I could see that this staircase was old. Very old. Not knowing what else to do, I began to walk up the path. Maybe it would tell me why this group of monsters was exploring this area, maybe it was just some old ruins that led nowhere. The only way to find out was to travel the path.
As I walked, my exhausted legs carrying me up the stairs, I took my time to examine the metal that made up the path. It was a dark color, almost black, and it have off this weird aura. I felt like I knew this aura, but at the same time it was completely invisible to me.
Finally reaching the top, is stopped to catch my breath, and then I looked up. And had it taken away again. The scene before me was terrifying. A large gate, made up of the same metal that made up the path, stood before me. It was adorned with skulls and runic inscriptions that glowed a frosty blue. Around the gate were skeletons. Examining them, I saw weapons and armor, rusted with age. One of these skeletons was very wierd. It looked like a puzzle, except instead of puzzle prices there were bones, and these bones came in a variety of different shapes and sizes.
I wasn't feeling as confident as I had when I started my trek up the staircase, but I felt that it was to late to stop now. Walking up to the gate, I pushed open the doors. You could hear my jaw hit the floor.
In front of me was a huge chamber, made of stone and that same dark metal. There were things that resembled windows, but instead of looking over the vast landscapes of Alaska in winter, it simply showed a frosty blue colour. But it was what was in the centre of the room that drew my attention. Floating in a blueish purplish mist-like hue, there was a sword. This sword sent off waves and waves of power. It made my fathers trident and Zues' Master bolt look like toothpicks. No, blades of grass. The sword itself was terrifying as well. It had a goats skull at it's hilt, and a jagged edged blade with odd inscriptions on it. Walking towards the floating sword, I saw an inscription on the dias that seemed to control the blueish mist stuff. It read
"Whomsoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal. Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit."
And in smaller letters, in a very messy form of writing, it read " Let Frostmourne reap this world of life. Let it be a tool of damnation and death. FOR THE.." And the rest was scratched out by what appeared to be claw marks. There must have been a battle here, and around an artifact like that, it must have been a BIG battle.
From then on I wondered about what to do. Should I leave, tell the campers that nothing interested happened, and ignore this quest forever, or should I take this sword, this Frostmourne, back to camp. It was very powerful... But at the same time those inscriptions seemed a little bit too, insane and dark for my taste.
Making my decision, I turned to walk away, when I felt a terrible headache hit me. Then voices erupted inside my head, "Arthas, stop this now!" "You will find only death in the cold north" "Your not my king yet, boy, and even if you were, I would ignore that order." Then I different voice began to speak. YOU CALL YOURSELF THE GOD OF DEATH. COME TO ULDAR, AND WE WILL TEST THAT THEORY, FOOLISH MORTALS... These voices continued to talk inside my head, getting louder and louder, but one prevailed above all, a raspy voice, saying the same thing over and over again " Take the blade, take the blade, take the blade...." Until it was all I could do to grab that stupid sword.
Standing, my legs barely holding me up, I reached out, through the waves of inviting power and repulsing darkness, and gripped the blade.
I would never be the same.

The Underworld-third person POV

Across the underworld, whispers broke out between the spirits, the message being passed on between each and every soul until they all knew it. When Hades questioned souls on what had caused such a commotion, the only thing the spirit would say was " The Master has returned, the Master has returned."
This greatly troubled the Olympians.

Camp Half-Blood-third person POV

All across camp, people had the exact same dream. A tall, imposing man with glowing blue eyes, wielding a sword of immense power, stabbed his blade into the ice, looked up, and whispered "Frostmourne... Hungers."
Everyone was so scared, that no one shared the dream. For a long time they never realized that they all had the same dream.
It snowed the next day

Weather Channel 64- Alex Williams POV

"Any idea about what's happening with the weather Jen?" " Nope, but it makes no sense, I mean, snow in Augusts! I could understand this if we were at the North Pole or something, but New York. It just isn't right."

A Labratory-Kel'Thuzzad (Jim Conroe)

I felt it, for the first time in almost 400 million years, I felt the tender embrace of my Master, I felt that someone had finally taken up Masters unholy blade, and I knew that they had become Master themselves. Preparations would have to be made immediately.

The Weird Room-Percy POV

I woke up gasping for breath, a cold sweat covering my body. After grabbing The blade, frostblood, or something, I must have passed out, because I had a terrible dream, where I saw someone in terrifying armor kill a lot of people. Just another terrifying dream for another terrifying day as a demigod.
Oh well.

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