Chapter 1 (The Beginning.)

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Living fourty-five minutes away from Detroit has got to be the greatest blessing because of how many concerts I attend. Live music is a huge part of my life, so when Childish Gambino finally came to The Fox Theatre in July, it was a dream come true.

When my friend Sam and I arrive at the venue an hour before the show begins, we head to the restroom to freshen up. After we come back out, there's a nice sized crowd by a corner of the building. We walk over to see what's going on and being short as I am, I can barley see through the crowd. I decide to wait and find out while Sam goes to find our seats. About fifteen minutes later, the crowd gets smaller and I can finally see what the heck is going on. Cory Kenshin is at this concert! Cory Kenshin is I walk up to him after waiting for a few others to dismiss. I hear the friend he's with tell him that "The show is going to start and I still want to gets snacks. I don't want to miss it, come on!" I sigh and think. 'Well, I guess today isn't the day I get to speak with him.' I start to walk off to find my seat when I bump into a guy walking toward me. "I'm so sorry!" He says. I grab my glasses off of the floor after they fly off of my face. "It's fine, really. I wasn't looking." I reply. I look up to see a guy with chocolate skin and kind brown eyes. "Are you alright?" He asks. I smile. "I'm okay, are you?" I reply. "I'm- fine. Both have to watch where we're going huh?" He says laughing. "Missed out on a picture too?" He continues. "Yeah, too late unfortunately. I really should go find my friend though. It was so nice to meet you! Enjoy the show." I reply. "You too." He says.

"Took you long enough! What was it?" Sam asks when I arrive to our seats.
"It was Cory Kenshin." I say in a defeated tone. She yelps and gasps. "Oh my gosh. Did you get a picture?" She asks me. "No, he was leaving when I got closer." I say. "Damn!" She replies. Thirty seconds goes by before Sam is begging me to go get her a bottled water. I sigh. "Might as well get one too." I say as I get up and head towards the concession stands. I spot some lint on my jeans as I'm waking to the stand and don't realize the guy I met earlier is in line also. "Hello again." He says. I look up and smile. "Oh hey." He walks up to the stand and orders his items. "It was nice meeting you, again." He says while walking away back to his seat. "For sure." I reply.

After I get the bottles I head back to the seats. "Yes. I am so thirsty." Sam says. "But, also look down two rows in front of us." She continues. I look down and in front of us is the guy and his friend. I smile. Just then the lights go off.

Half an hour into the concert Sober starts to play and what can I say, this is my song! Whilst I am screaming the lyrics, I spot him looking back at me. We lock eyes and I smile while still rapping the lyrics with awfully moves? He laughs and turns back, bobbing his head.

By the time the concert is over, my throat is shot. I can barley speak. Sam and I walk back to my car and I get out a throat lozenge I prepared exactly for this situation. Traffic is absolutely terrible getting away from the area so we sit still on the street minutes at a time, stopping and going, stopping and going. With my windows down, I let the cool breeze graze my neck. 'Such a cool night for it to be July.' I think. I turn some music on low volume to calm my ears and sit back in the seat. Just then I hear a voice in my left ear. "We've got to stop meeting like this." I sit up and it is the one and only guy I met in line. I know my eyes are lazy looking because of how tired I am so I try and sit up to seem awake. "I suppose so." I say smiling while I rest my hand on my jaw with my elbow on the window opening. Sitting in the passenger seat, he looks over at his friend who's driving and it seems to be some type of small commotion. "Just do it." I make out of all the whispers. 'Would it be weird to ask is everything all right?' I ask myself. I decide to stay silent instead. A few seconds later he looks at me. "Um, I know this isn't the most comfortable place to be where I ask a question like this, but I may never see you again so uh-" he stirs for a moment. "Can I take you out? Like on a date?" I raise my eyebrows and feel a soft slap on my arm from Sam. I look over and she's silently freaking out. Just then traffic starts to move. "I'm sorry, but I just couldn't take my eyes off of you when we met and I just had to give it a shot." He says as people behind him start to honk their horns for them to move up in traffic. I stamper. "Um- Uh-..." I reply. "It's okay if you don't want to, just trying to be more spontaneous." He says while he gives a small, closed mouthed smile. "No! I want to, you just caught me off guard." I say. I feel Sam punch me in the arm. "Ow." I say. "Say yes!" She whispers loudly. I look back at him, he has a confused look on his face. "What even is your name?" I say laughing. He laughs. "Jaden. Sorry I didn't mention this before." He replies. I look at him for a second. "Sure. I mean, definitely. I'll go out with you." He smiles brightly. "Here." He says as he hangs out of the window with his phone in hand. "Put your number in there; and you better hurry. These people are pressed to move up 6 feet." He says. I laugh and urgently put my hand out of the window to stretch for his get phone. When I receive it, I put my phone number in and save my number
as Lani :) . I stretch to give it back to him. "I'll be calling you." He says smiling ear to ear. I nod my head. "Bye." He says as the cars behind blast their horns at us, now that traffic has moved up twelve feet now. I wave and his friend zooms up and enters the highway to the left. I pull up and then look at Sam. "What the heck just happened?" I ask rhetorically. "Jaden thinks you're cute." She says with a calm voice. A few seconds later she screams. "Jaden thinks your hot!" She says obnoxiously rubbing her body down. I cringe at her actions then shake her off. When I get home later that night, my mind roams about what a random dude at a concert could see in me.

If you guys even liked this story a little bit, consider leaving a like and a comment on what I could improve on! I always want to learn more things and write better, so be as mean or as nice as possible. Also the likes give me a reason to actually publish. I have the next chapter ready, so tell me if you want it! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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